Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ball, beauty & jamu

Congrats to the winning team & thanks, for the stadiums will be full again.

Apa-apa pun, the ceweks in Gelora BungKarno menarik hati ;)

Manohara, Taken from

She's a pain in the ass, but muka amat cantik.
I did saw Luna Maya, tapi takde pulak gambar dia when googled.

Did the jamu works so well sehingga cantik sangat? :)


julie.yaacob said...

jom kita try! hehehe

apa2 pon, ko masih gorjes la ul. jgn susah hati sgt okeh

Arisy said...

jom2 !

i know, cuma nak tambah gorjes je.. ;)