Thursday, January 20, 2011

Me cooking

There are few selected times when I cook, selalunya masa extra-extra rajin.Contohnya :

1. Laksa - at the MIL's, she likes laksa. Plus point memasak dirumah MIL adalah ada orang tolong kemas and the kids are well taken care of.

And the recipes is the usual.

2. Puding triffle - sebab super senang. Recipe macam haritu. And I did this sebab the kids can do it together.

3. Pulut kuning - this is purely sebab all the 3 ninjas love pulut kuning with telur goreng so much. I colored the telur orange, to add up seri, hohoh.

Rendam dulu pulut semalaman dengan kunyit dan asam gelugor.
Rendam lama sikit so the pulut kembang.

Pastu, kukus pulut tu. Dah agak lembut sikit (dalam 15-20 minit).
Pastu angkat dan gaulkan dengan santan. (ratio 500gm pulut dengan 250-300 gm santan pekat).
Aku masak dulu santan tu sekejap dengan garam.
Gaul, then kukus semula another 15 minutes hingga lembut.

Pastu boleh lah makan. Kami makan dengan telur goreng gulung.

Ada lagi satu nak tunjuk jugak sebab berjaya, Roti Jala. Tapi gambar takde la pulak.

Enjoy ur day off ya kawan2!


ninaC said...

owh mana ntah nk carik laksa kat singapore nih. very rare occasion aku tiba2 teringin laksa as laksa was never one of my favourite dish.
sedap tgk laksa hang.

Arisy said...

ha'ah, hang mmg tak makan laksa. Tak payah cari la, pi buat senang ja. Aku rasa menu agak sihat jugak kan? sebab rebus2 je... said...

I´ve just found your blog. I do not understand all you writte, just the english part, but it is a nice blog.
The recipes you have cooked look great!!

Regards from Spain!

julie.yaacob said...

wow, ul got a fan from spain! hola!

Arisy said...

hola happy windows. Didn;t understand urs also, but nice blog and pics!

jules - hola hola..