Sunday, March 16, 2014

I love u, and i'm sorry I hurt you

Ammar has been naughty.
He yell, say naughty words, fights with everyone at home, even throw things.

I've accepted that he is naughty. And i have to deal with it.

Until my neighbor told me, when we left him for a while at her house; he's a good boy. He didnt even argue anything.

And another neighbor told me (we're in kenduri anyway), "i've a small chat with him, and he actually is a good boy".

And they concluded that Ammar, only acted tantrums when I'm around.

So, puzzled enough, I did some interrogation. But inconclusive

One day, as we're going to sleep, and i'm about to apply his daily feet cream (ammar sakit kaki), as always, he yelled at me, sakitttt!!! When I havent touch his foot yet.

As always, i'm struggling to put the cream on him, and he keep resisting, dgn tangan dgn kaki, dgn mulut. Haihhh.

In the middle of the struggling, Armin came in his room. Naturally I smiled at Armin.

Ammar then said, "that's why i hate you, ibu senyum kat Amin je, kat Ammar asyik masamm je"


Hits me on my nose.

Aduhai anak, ibu lupa rupanya. Ammar has been observing me. He's been the youngest for 6 years. Tiba2 Armin datang and he is pushed away (at least thats what he thinks)

Ibu minta maaf Ammar, I love you so much, from the day we find out I'm having u inside.

Have u had the same experience? How do u handle them?


ninaC said...

eh eh.
dah rajin update rupenya.
sorry that i missed reading this blog for quite sometimes.

i love your kids.
I think u raised them right, because they are friendly, able to articulate their opinion well.

but yeah, kids being kids, they are a bit prone to show tantrum, esp with you. haha. t

u should be proud of them.
suke aku budak2 tak tersipu2 sangat ni.

And i would love to go to your house again and spend more time with them.

Arisy said...

Sila weh.. i'm lonely without them.
Bawak mai gheta sun roof lagi na..

Arisy said...

Sila weh.. i'm lonely without them.
Bawak mai gheta sun roof lagi na..