Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't go away

Last Sunday, I was doing some 5s in the house with hubby, particularly in the solat room, when Ilhan & the gang messed up big time at our living room. We both were very tired (yelah, lama gila tak 5s), and being us, we yelled at Ilhan for she has always lead this kind of activities.

damaged done - sila abaikan panties & seluar kakngah, sungguh eye distraction

At that point, so angry, I was saying something like this to her - if you're around, ibu will always be angry. Go away!. That's me folks, with thin iman & thick anger.

Truth is, all of them did that, tapi being the eldest, she's always been the main target.

And, yesterday during lunch hour I received a call from Masyitah's kindy. Ilhan is here, they said, sent by some chinese man. She's ok, but the chinese man found her wandering around the road and crying.

Her evening kindy (she went there for fardhu ain & quran classes) moved to a nearby rented premise, and missed to inform both Shahrun and me. And her van driver, left her at the ex-school gate, without even looking if she has entered. So, she knocked and knocked until she realized no one's there.

She's thinking of going to Masyitah's place as it is around that area. Walaupun agak jauh. Which is why when the chinese man pick her up, she informed him to send her to Masyitah's kindy. Bijak jugak.

But, upon hearing that, menitik air mata. I remembered the thing I said yesterday, and true enough Allah tested us. A mother, wants her child to go away, and Allah tested me how it feels if she's truly away.

Ye kawan-kawan, ibu's words are doa.

So please friends, ambillah iktibar dari kesilapan saya :

  1. Check and always check your kid's van driver. If he's ignorant even once, tolong jangan buat tak tahu. Do something, at least call the driver and let him know how important it is to the kid's safety. And stalked them too once in a while:
    • I've once being told by the teacher that the driver always left Ilhan at the school gate, not checking if she safely entered the kindy. My fault, I did nothing.
  2. Please do be extra friendly with your kid's teacher. They might forget those who are not. Macam saya. Resulting me not receiving any news of the school relocation.
  3. Give your kids your phone number.
  4. Always always always find a reliable guardian. Be it the school the driver or whoever taking care of her.
    • last night Ilhan told me, the driver once left her alone at the road side with the van. The van is out of fuel, and he needs to buy some. Ilhan has to locked the door and be silent.
  5. Never never never never say inappropriately. Say good things to your kid. You're a mother kan?
So friends, don't repeat my mistakes. I wonder how I'll be if we were to lost her (God forbid).

very sorry dear


sikulat said...

huhuhu.. sedey .. & agak terkejut with the attitude of both kindy (yg dah pindah tak bagitau) & van driver yg tak check pun ade orang ke tak kat skolah tuh.. isk isk.. Risaunya la ngan dunia skrang nih.. Sobb sob..

~~aku pun selalu naik hangin & ntah hape2 cakap waktu naik hangin kat budak2~~ o(∏ ∏)o

julie.yaacob said...

sedey gaks ul.. aku pon kekadang keluar cakap tah pape kalau dah marah.. especially aisya la yg slalu kena.. but sekarang semenjak chot rajin dengar ceramah motivase fadzilah kamsah, rasa regret sgt & now cuba perbaiki kesilapan2 kitorang. guess what, she's behaving better now :) doa ibu ayah kan hebat..

and pasal kindy & driver tuh, takleh dimaafkan.. isk

Arisy said...

semah & julie, aku sedang berazam nak cakap elok2 saja with the kids. They're my responsibility kan? and the driver - telah diblack list tahun depan.

Manggapintu said...

mintak simpang malaikat 44,nasib baik takde ape2 ek Ul,alhamdulillah...
biasalah kita mak2 ni marah2,tp kita cuba2 control ek.

muhamad aqwam said...

ksian btul kt kakak....
slmt ader org cine tu tlg dier.....