Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ball, beauty & jamu

Congrats to the winning team & thanks, for the stadiums will be full again.

Apa-apa pun, the ceweks in Gelora BungKarno menarik hati ;)

Manohara, Taken from

She's a pain in the ass, but muka amat cantik.
I did saw Luna Maya, tapi takde pulak gambar dia when googled.

Did the jamu works so well sehingga cantik sangat? :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

when the sexiest collaborate

I'm so excited when I saw this on one of the billboard

from Google

Hehe, pls don't read my previous entry.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Evil is so tempting, and angels are boring? Not at all given occassionlah, but ye kan?

Shopping & draining money from pockets are so in and co-incidently (eh?) time permits.
Tapi giving out to those who're in need, are sometimes not at the right time.
Tiba-tiba nak bagi ada RM5 je dalam poket and sometimes, purely because duit tak cukup sbb nak kena bayar astro full package, broadband 3G which is solely used for facebook or duit ansuran credit card hasil tangkapan di Jusco.

And don't let me humiliate myself by saying, most of the times, see-through dresses are far more appealing than the actual-covering tudungs.

See, u think I'm boring now kan?

Again, why evils are all tempting?

and sometimes pretty too


Sunday, December 5, 2010

welcoming 1432

And, I've thought of a long list of azam for the new year. But knowing myself, most probably aku berangan mat jenin je nanti.

Last year, I've only listed 1 wishlist and checked done! Walaupun only to Brunei & Singapore.

Maybe 1 wishlist sahaja akan berjaya kot, sebab focus lebih. So here goes :

This coming year, I'll take care of my solat. Not proud to reveal this, but at times, I do miss my solat.
Especially isya', when I think I'll do isya' after making sure the kids are asleep, at last aku tertidur sekali.

Pic from here

And walaupun dah 30 tahun hidup, jarang-jarang dapat khusyu', maybe tak pernah pun. Shameful.

So, wish me luck dan doa kan aku.

Selamat menyambut 1432 hijrah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Projek Dapur bersama anak-anak dara

Of my rajin days, last weekend me and the 2 anak dara did Nasi Ayam Penyet and Puding Triffle.

Nasi Ayam Penyet

Recipe taken from Mamasya's blog, recipe Palembang she said. We choose that recipe, memandangkan that recipe is easier than others i've surveyed, and also ingredients yg lebih simple.

Result - ok lah for our first time work together. I think the sambal is so sedap.

Ayam lepas goreng dipenyetkan

Ulam-ulaman as accessories

The sambal with ikan bilis goreng, chillies, belacan & bawang, tapi aku terblend sampai halus sangat
The complete meal, nasi tak sempat snap. Tambahan sambal kicap bihun sup last week.

Puding Triffle

Took the recipe from Potret Kasih. As always, sebab simple & mudah. Tapi tak de gambar.

It was fun doing work with them, except for ada je yg nak menambah pelbagai perasa sendiri & a few sessions of merajuk bila tak bagi buat works involving hot wok.

Both of them request nak buat lagi next time, so tunggu depa balik from kelantan we'll do another project.

Monday, November 29, 2010

self check 1.0

Let's have all the mommies reading this blog to help me.

Normal kah :

1. seorang ibu marahkan anak-anak sebab tumpahkan makanan, let say almost everyday?
ataupun, tu memang proses pembelajaran anak, so why bother marah?

2. seorang ibu ada rasa nak be on leave for 2-3 days tak pun seminggu, away from the kids?
ataupun, ko tunggu la dah tua nanti, rasakan bila anak2 nak take leave setahun dua jaga ko?

3. ibu biarkan je anak-anak main sambil bersepahan. kadang-kadang habih kotor. sebab tak larat nak marah. Ataupun, mak jenis apa ko ni? Spend time with your kids!

4. kalau dengki dengan anak orang, sebab behave?  And anak ko tak behave langsung. Ada je aktiviti berlari-lari nak dibuat. Takpun bergaduh-gaduhan. Ataupun, dah memang salah ko, anak tak behave. Anyway, sapa ajar depa jadi tak behave?

5. kalau tak dapat tidur malam-malam, just to watch tv. Sebab thats the only me time yg ko ada.

6. kalau rasa sakit kepala, sebab some things tak dapat dibuat dengan anak-anak yg ramai. Contohnya nak pi supermarket, pening sebab akan ada aksi berguling. Ataupun, lantak jelah. They're kids?

7. kalau rasa agak down, sebab kerja tak dapat dibuat sepanjang masa. Seperti kalau ada kerja-kerja malam, ko tunggulah anak-anak tidur dulu. And the next day, jadi orang bodoh sat sebab tak pandai-pandai kerja. Or, memang ko yg cari pasal, dah tau ada anak, spend time mostly masa office learn your work.

8. seorang ibu memendam rasa, sebab dah dekat 6-7 tahun asyik beli baju bawah RM50, kasut dah koyak baru cari ganti, takpun pau kasut adik beradik. Walaupun raya. Nak kena beli baju anak-anak yg tak payah cerita harganya, sebab anak dah tarik muncung panjang. Ataupun, wajiblah pendam je rasa. Mak ayah ko dulu pun bukannya senang bela ko, kan?

9. kalau benci tengok rumah sendiri? Kalau dah jenuh kemas & alter mana-mana yg boleh alter, tapi still akan dirosakkan budak-budak kecik? Ataupun, relaxlah.. let the kids learn tru experience. eh?

10. kalau rasa malas nak cepat-cepat balik dari office to fetch the kids. Sebab dah tau dah, dalam kereta akan start pelbagai jenis perang. Dari ultraman sampai lah ke hagemaru. Even nak keluar dari kereta pun kena ada skill memujuk.

Normalkah? Ada anyone have the same situation with me, at least 60% of it ?

Kalau tak, mungkin aku kena pegi jumpa theraphist/phsychitrist or join the anger management class.

But, I still love my kids. Don't ask how do i know. I just know.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

no point blaming penang

ok, jom makan banyak-banyak.

Last weekend, bila rajin tiba, aku masak nasi ayam penyet.
Bersungguh-sungguh, pukul 730 dah siap nak ke market.

Siap ke market, singgah gerai roti canai,
Bagi seisi rumah breakfast dulu,
sementara aku masak lunch.

Habis lunch, ke Queensbay.
Takdak arah, tapi pegi jugak.

At last dapat jemputan ke kampung pelet.
so, lepas maghrib makan pulak kambing grill, ayam kampung & whatnot

balik rumah, akibat sengsara sehari makan banyak
tambah lagi makan, fitnesse cereal & teh o.

sengsara sungguh jadi aku.
makan je.

ok jom tekup bantal & jerit kuat2.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pulau sunyi

hari ni, ke pulau jerjak lagi.


Kapal pun tak banyak. And aku tengok muka sorang-sorang engineer/technician kat sana semua berharap dapat balik cepat.

Tak pun lagi bagus kalau ada shipyard kat tepi pantai seagate. huhu.
Aku pun faham, dulu-dulu mai sini sekejap saja. Tapi bila seharian suntuk, food tak hebat, panas, dusty, takde awek (kalau ada pun tak hot), memang rasa mcm pelarian.


Takpun aku je yg imagine, sebab aku penat round shipyard dekat 1km semata-mata nak wee wee.

Friday, November 19, 2010

To the highlands

We'll be going to Cameron Highlands this weekend!

Pics from Google

It is actually my Ayah's promise to the kid, about a year ago. My kids they love tempat sejuk-sejuk - hint-hint.

So, bye!

* owh, kecewa tak dapat tengok Potter.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't go away

Last Sunday, I was doing some 5s in the house with hubby, particularly in the solat room, when Ilhan & the gang messed up big time at our living room. We both were very tired (yelah, lama gila tak 5s), and being us, we yelled at Ilhan for she has always lead this kind of activities.

damaged done - sila abaikan panties & seluar kakngah, sungguh eye distraction

At that point, so angry, I was saying something like this to her - if you're around, ibu will always be angry. Go away!. That's me folks, with thin iman & thick anger.

Truth is, all of them did that, tapi being the eldest, she's always been the main target.

And, yesterday during lunch hour I received a call from Masyitah's kindy. Ilhan is here, they said, sent by some chinese man. She's ok, but the chinese man found her wandering around the road and crying.

Her evening kindy (she went there for fardhu ain & quran classes) moved to a nearby rented premise, and missed to inform both Shahrun and me. And her van driver, left her at the ex-school gate, without even looking if she has entered. So, she knocked and knocked until she realized no one's there.

She's thinking of going to Masyitah's place as it is around that area. Walaupun agak jauh. Which is why when the chinese man pick her up, she informed him to send her to Masyitah's kindy. Bijak jugak.

But, upon hearing that, menitik air mata. I remembered the thing I said yesterday, and true enough Allah tested us. A mother, wants her child to go away, and Allah tested me how it feels if she's truly away.

Ye kawan-kawan, ibu's words are doa.

So please friends, ambillah iktibar dari kesilapan saya :

  1. Check and always check your kid's van driver. If he's ignorant even once, tolong jangan buat tak tahu. Do something, at least call the driver and let him know how important it is to the kid's safety. And stalked them too once in a while:
    • I've once being told by the teacher that the driver always left Ilhan at the school gate, not checking if she safely entered the kindy. My fault, I did nothing.
  2. Please do be extra friendly with your kid's teacher. They might forget those who are not. Macam saya. Resulting me not receiving any news of the school relocation.
  3. Give your kids your phone number.
  4. Always always always find a reliable guardian. Be it the school the driver or whoever taking care of her.
    • last night Ilhan told me, the driver once left her alone at the road side with the van. The van is out of fuel, and he needs to buy some. Ilhan has to locked the door and be silent.
  5. Never never never never say inappropriately. Say good things to your kid. You're a mother kan?
So friends, don't repeat my mistakes. I wonder how I'll be if we were to lost her (God forbid).

very sorry dear

Monday, November 15, 2010

oh so random

After a while.

Year end concert

For the kids' kindy. Ilhan & Masyitah. Ilhan's was held at Dewan Sri Pinang, very grand tapi aku rasa the concept was not creative enough. All they did was dance with fancy dresses. Gambar ada with her uncle, i'll upload later. And tak berapa meriah since Ilhan baru habis a week of high fever. She stalled once she saw her atuk, atuk pulak melambai dengan semangat waja.

Ilhan with her friend Dakshina, they were doing 1Malaysia dance

Hand painted by her teachers, sampai petang tanak basuh
Masyitah's was a decent ceremony, yet the teachers are very creative. She did recite some surah lazim, tapi once she saw us, terus stop & buat aksi ratu cantik. She was very excited during the whole ceremony, again seeing her atuk excites her more. She sang so loud, lead the group and refuse to get away from the stage. Sengih-sengih.

Masyitah, penuh perasaan cun

The red waves

The Red Warriors - penuh satu stadium
We went to watch the Final Piala Malaysia, of course on the The Red Warrior's side (walaupun takdelah sokong sangat, I don't care sapa menang, asal main best2 saja). I was not supposed to join the crowd, but I have no choice as Ammar is so excited to "ole, ole". The red waves is so big, I can't even go to the toilet. And they put so much hope, I've thought of going out from the stadium in case TRW hasn't score any goal on the 60's minutes.

Me & Ammar, excited juga tengok!

The crowd yg akan mengganas kalau kalah ;)
Kalau tak goal lagi, sure hangus stadium tu. Ganah demo.

Geng-geng seangkatan Shahrun merangkap sanak saudara
And Ammar slept from minute 10 until TRW's first goal. So much ole-ole.

The Zorros - his cousins

For those who has come to my house, surely knows our standard. Rumah seperti PPRT haha! No kitchen cabinet, old wardrobe (yang type orang bujang guna tu) & full of boxes. We've been living like that for we've never thought that we'll stay this long in the house.

Looks like we'll be staying until another 2 years minimum, so we've bought a new wardrobe - for towels, beddings, curtains and baju2 yang tak cukup space. That, is our first attempt untuk mencantikkan rumah.

Next month maybe boleh sambung part lain - painting & kids wardrobe.

ok jap, kerja memanggil.

Eh, cancellah. To be continued on different entry, haha

Saturday, October 23, 2010

i have a lot to tell, but

contrary to popular beliefs (that women update blogs when they are sad), I can't even finished a sentence.

So, until I have my good moods back, bye.

** From google

Friday, October 8, 2010

30 and due for next service date

These few days, perut aku adalah sangat meragam and my back hurt so much.
I guess, banyak angin, and angin akan keluar merata-rata, heh.

Rasanya, the food i take and the lack of exercise, tapi bila aku ingat balik, 10 years back, I can whallop whatever and takde angin-angin pun.

Ni sekarang ni, when I took 2 slices of labu sira my MIL kirim - ishkk sedap.. not so sweet, and the labu is still crunchy. Best is when you stored it in the fridge for 1 day, sejuk dan nyaman sekali memakannya.
Mulalah, next day akan jadi penuh dengan angin.

So not comfortable.

Lagilah if I took food that has a lot of spices. Macam recently, aku buat kari daging, super pekat with all the spices included. Spices ni membuang angin2 kan?

I've had 2 days of uncomfy tummy with back pain yg nasib baik ignorable.

But, yelah, aku kena project correctly :

  • 10 years back, no pain
  • now, bearable pain
  • 10 years later ? huh

I used to wonder, when my mak always has to minum jamu pagi-pagi and occasionally went to see the massus, apa best sangat ke jamu pahit mak tu?

Plus, Makcik Normah tukang urut mak tu super lah kuatnya mengurut, sakit wooo. During my confinement, dia lah urut aku, so memang aku tau penangan makcik ni. Siap leteran-leteran panjang kalau tak minum jamu.

Sekarang, rasakan.

Or maybe jugak I've taken too much food? Dan berat pun bertambah. Which adds up the weight my back has to carry? Pastu complaint perut meragam padahal tadi makan best je.

And the losing weight story never ends.

Tapi, what I must do now is to singgah kejap kat Bukit Jambul sat lagi, and drink a cup of selected jamu yang dibancuh aweks indon yang cun. That has always helps out.

And next week, harus cari kedai mcm tu kat area Komtar, for my long term solution. (oh, and maybe next week baru boleh start diet, minggu ni byk open house, ;) check the word maybe ya!)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

heavy vehicle on tow

what had i consume for raya until today?

- lemang - plain & with corn
- rendang - chicken & beef (dendeng)
- bihun sup
- mee kuah
- mee kari
- nasi minyak
- kuih muih
- cakes

tak sedar diri kan?

and we still owe a lot of visits tomorrow. Any tips to restraint myself from overloading my tummy?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !

We'll be in Langkap, Perak from 1st to 4th Raya
and Melor, Kelantan from 5th to 8th Raya insyaAllah.
So, anyone nearby, mai lah beraya sekali.. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ibu Mertuaku

Kepada kawan-kawan yang dah kawen - korang mesra tak dengan mak mentua (MIL) ?
Mesra yang, ikhlas?

I was asking this for, aku rasa we have limits. Aku teringin jugak nak treat my MIL as how I treat my mom, but tak boleh la.. macam mana eh?

Of course she's a different person, mestilah ditreat differently. Baru dia rasa happy. Takkan tiba-tiba nak ajak dia joget-joget dalam rumah macam mak aku, sure pengsan orang tua tu.

I don't think she hate me, and aku perasan macam dia suka jugak kat aku, tapi aku pulak tak berusaha mati-matian pun nak please dia. Sombongkan?

I still has this selfishness in me. That mother is always mak, and no one can replace or share place with her. Yer, I know that our husband's mom is our mom, love her as one. But I can't find ways for her to be on the mother's chair. She'll always be in the MIL chair.

A chair which is supposed to be tak exist pun, aku yang create so I can justify myself.
Mesti korang rasa, takpelah, at least aku treat her as MIL.

Takkkkkkk.. aku ni jahat rupanya. When I put her in MIL chair, she's not my mom. Nak tau what I did to her? Silalah :
  • Aku cakap ikut dan aku, without thinking if she's hurt by my words. Part of it because, I do not know (tak berusaha nak tau pun) what kind of words/intonation she like. Macam mak, don't ever sweet talk her, say it right to her face, pastu say it with confident, ko cakap meleleh, lagi dia menyampah. MIL?

  • Aku buat things pun ikut style aku je.. tak pernah nak ikut style MIL, which at times, better. Contohnya, kalau ada kenduri-kendara kecik2, aku super malas nak transfer lauk2 dalam different bekas, letak jelah satu bekas besar, pandai2 la buffet.
    But she's very proper, bekas mesti ada banyak2 so orang tak payah beratur walaupun buffet, and women can ambil food tanpa segan silu. Aku degil jugak, dengan alasan malas nak basuh bekas kang. Kalau mak, I'll tell her "mak nak ke basuh bekas byk2 kang? hehe".

  • What ever MIL commented, I think of it as an insult takpun, as penyibukan, eventhough she meant good. Once she commented that I should have handwashed Shahrun's slacks & jeans, don't machine-washed it, as it will ruin the fabric. Bagus kan comment dia.
    But I take it as MIL wanted to point out how lazy I am, and why bother how I wash things?
    Tulah, cuba kalau mak yang cakap, sure aku dah agree and buat je.
    Pastu ada lagi satu, she bought me a tea set, saying that we have no good set, so ada ni senang la orang nak datang. Isk, marahnya aku. Dalam hati aku kan, macamlah tea set aku tak elok sangat. Padahal I'm supposed to be happy, orang bagi hadiah. Yang nak sensitip tak ketahuan hala tu apsal?
If I were to list out everything, mula rasa macam nak kena panah petir.

But, itulah hakikatnya. My MIL, she's a soft women. A housewife with super squeaky clean house and super rajin with all her daily dishes, normally cooked traditionally. She has never raised her voice, and never put on pants, all kain all the time. Hebat kan? She will be worried about small-small details, like the un-rhyme names of our kids, whether my children has had breakfast before the went for school (bangun pun tidak), whether I still have stocks of keropok and budu, and such.

Unlike me, yang tak payahlah diceritakan.

She, has put efforts to make me like her. Dia selalu sebut, "bukan apa, nak tanya ni, sebab anak-anak.. ul ni anak jugok.." which I'm supposed to be flattered. And she has always prepare food i like, when I'm in Kelantan. Baju-baju jangan cakaplah, pantang je ada kain, she'll send it to the tailor, washed it, and iron it before giving it to me - "dalam almari tu ada baju baru, ambillah".

Haishh.. But until todate, I still can;t put her where I put my mak. Kejikan? And tak bersyukur pun ada. Ramai je MIL (especially Kelantanese la yang aku selalu dengar), who doesn't like their DIL yang outsiders (non-kelantanese).
Dapat macam dia ni baru tau

Back to my main point - macam mana sebenarnya nak sayang kedua-dua mak, seikhlas hati? Aku ni dah dosa banyak, dok tambah lagi ni.. tolong ye..

*images are from Google

Friday, September 3, 2010

The end is near

For Ramadhan.

And it is very humiliating for me to admit that I haven't collect as much pahala as being offered. As if I have too much of pahala, I can't be bothered to chase for more.

I felt selfish to Allah when I thought that :

 - I have kids to take care of and can't recite the Quran, here she is with no complaint

-   I can't join the office daily tadarus for not wearing the proper baju kurung, these chap do it without   hesitation. What's important is the cloth is clean and covers.

  -  I have so much to do in the office, taking care of the house, husband and kids, and wouldn't be able to squeeze in time. He on the other hand didn't bother much of his inability.


But, all say and sigh will not justify anything. It is not syawal yet, and we still have got time. Jom baca Quran!

And these people do, ramai kan?

Pics are from a friend's email (originally from here), on Ramadhan in Iran.

Monday, August 30, 2010

this could wii working

Found this from Yaya's blog, and sangatlah menarik. With my current rate of time filling - tv it is- and the kids that would have to be observed each time we were out, this is the best option, kan?

With our food intake style and inactive lifestyle, mungkin tak lama lagi akan tak lepas keluar dari pintu rumah. So I must have some fun ways to bring back to healthy shape!

Just showing this to deary Shahrun, maybe tak dapat pun. But, boleh kumpul duit for this kan? Sangat mengidam.

Review from some forums says Nintendo Wii Active is not officially sold is Malaysia yet, anyhow the product is here for lowest price at RM950 - japanese set. No warranty, kalau rosak bayar kat Nintendo.

Just like the W's advert on having fun doing something, lets try!


Friday, August 27, 2010

At times

Nothing u do is right, yet nothing has gone totally wrong.

It,is not easy to tell yourself that afterall, a hill is what u need instead of the grand mountain. That it is ok to keep the ambition, as long as you're grateful of what He has blessed u.

The ambition is left unachieved so we could strive everyday. So we could compete with ourself.

Ok dah la. So much into self comforting secara public.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I am pretty!

I am so nude, haha. As in I'm always seen without make-ups.
Aku malas and takde talent nak menconteng muka jadi cun.

Mainly, sebab I'm lack of creativity to make-myself-up.
Sometimes, when I do put some colors on my face, akan jadi peliks.
Kalau orang buh ok je (wah prasan).

Which is why, my collection of cosmetics are very limited.
I used to have only powder and lip gloss (yg pink2 sket).

Tapi kawan-kawan, recently, in my attempts to look gorgeous,
I bought cosmetic stuffs.

Mula-mula aku beli sikit je.
Tapi recent visit to AVON telah menambah my collection.


Ok, left to right.

In2it blusher - old  - bought at KLSentral semasa sedang boring
maybelline lip gloss - old - bought same time with the blusher
Avon pencil eyeliner  - new
Avon mascara - new
In2it liquid eyeliner - old - bought same time with the blusher
Mustika Ratu 2-in-1 compact powder - old  - bought when in urgent need of powder, serkap apa yg ada kat minimarket depan rumah
Rexona - haha, ini memang selalu ada in my bag
Loreal Lipstick - old - bought bila eh? sedar-sedar ada dalam beg sekolah masyitah
Avon lipstick - new
Bodyshop lip balm - old - sampaikan hilang tulisan kat atas tu. Bought lamaaaa dah, ni utk kakak & kakngah, as they always sibuk nak pakai lipstik when i do.

Haha, the 3 Avon stuff - eyeliner, mascara & lipstick , cost me around RM20+ je. Sunggoh jimat.
Offer price, beli lipstick dapat eyeliner + mascara.

Apart from masa kawen dulu, I've never use mascara, let alone putting it on me by myself.
Tapiiiiii bila dah beli, aku rasa cantik sgt - wink wink

Tu je point. Owh, but no pics of mine memakai mascara ya. Aku tak fotogenik. Dalam gambaq tak cun.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Korang pernah dihantui kejadian mistik? Ok aku tak pernah, and do not wish to,

tengok pontianak harum sundal malam pun aku takut

But sebulan ini, penuh dengan kejadian staff yang dilanda sakit-sakit misteri.
  1. A young staff, staff baru plak tu, baru umur 23. Sakit lutut & dah pi klinik, hospitals sampai tak larat pi. Mula-mula I thought he was lying, tapi bila kerja kat site, at times he was unable to move his leg. Dragging it and muka dah pucat lesi tahan sakit.

    When asked, he told me, abang dia pun sakit juga macam ni dulu. Baru je meninggal last month. Doktor pun tak dapat pastikan sakit apa. But when they saw the ustaz/bomoh, the sickness has something to do with black magic.
  2. Kes kedua pulak, staff ni aku agak ragu-ragu. Sebab dia yang cari pasal involving himself in the black magic field.

    It started when he's blessed with a down syndrom baby, with complex heart problem. He was searching here and there for cure (i would too). Akhirnya, terus berminat dengan black magic, and practice it.

    He started to form a silat team and people come to see him for medicine and treatment.

    Recently, he's been absent for quite long. Bila ditanya, he's on MC. Unsatisfied, I went to his house, to check on him. He's as pale as ghost, with limp legs. His kids were all in the rooms, unable to wake up. Apapun yg jadi kat dia, jadi juga to his family. Anak2 dan bini. Muntah2 darah.

    He told me, it was because of the saka he wanted to take off from someone, tapi tak menjadi.
  3. Kes ketiga, not my staff. But his wife. Has been sick for quite long, 2 years i think. Same too, he suspected it to be saka from his wife's grandma, but he based it from the ustaz he met.

    He's a dedicated staff, and when he requested a lot of urgent leave, i was wondering what happened. He once took a video of his wife during her treatment with one of the ustaz from Darul Syifa'.

    It is scary.
Honestly, sekarang aku kesian dengan semuanya. But, it is difficult to explain these kind of illness to my boss. Macam akulah, unless aku tak pi tengok sendiri, I won't believe it.

Sudahnya, just now I asked one of the case above to apply VSS. When I think about it, rasa macam kejam. Dahla kawan tu sakit, aku suruh VSS. Tak ingat ke masa dia sihat, kan dia kerja ok je.

When I asked him, I did think that this is the best for him. Rather than being chased by me, for reasons & evidence that he can't come to work. And rather than being accused of pemalas by his colleagues, sebab some of them did not visit him.

Tapi la ni, aku terfikir, siapalah aku nak decide what's best for him. Nasib baik i was just giving him a choice.

Ish, payah la tengah period ni, mix feeling, melarat ke mix thoughts.

Tapi aku agak pelik, bulan puasa ni kan syaitan sepatutnya kena ikat. Yang duk sakit lagi ni, sebenarnya, selain syaitan ke eh?

p/s - Doa jauhi sihir

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day

of ponteng puasa.

But these 2 kids, especially yang payah nak bangun pagi for school tu, is up for sahur uolsss..
Pagi, after sahur, melepak disofa

We had padprik ayam, telur dadar & kailan ikan masin for sahur, all bought from kedai tomyam downstairs, for our convenience. Hehe, for my convenience.

Dah En Shahrun tamo beli barang2 mentah. (salah orang jugak aku ni).

Hopefully, kakak Ilhan can puasa for the whole month, since she's not very interested in food, so dia rela je. Last year, she did it for 2 or 3 days.

Kakngah as usual, I have to inform her teachers not to feed her unless she can't take it anymore. Am a bit worried about her eating habit, suka sungguh makan tak henti2. I'm praying so she could at least fast 1 full day this year.

I have registered myself to the tadarus programme by our company, sebab dah lama dah tak dapat complete tadarus in Ramadhan. Tapi 1st day dah terpaksa ponteng. Anyhow, tahun ni kena cuba yg terbaeek tadarus jugak.

Owh, and i've bought my baju raya, 2 pasang. Had a full day meeting somewhere near Jalan TAR on Friday, so boleh membeli belah. sangat jimat, RM100 2 pasang.

So, tak sabar nak balik satgi, to check how's their puasa.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome aboard

Muhammad Adam Naqly bin Zarir Naqly.

Haven't met u yet but i'm sure you'll be surprise seeing your 3 excited cousins, as if having their own baby brother. Tapi, mmg adik pun kan..

Dont try any of their stunts though, they've been trained at least 3 years for that.

You're my little sister kesayangan's boy, do help her by being a good boy eh. She's been in labor for 48 hours, i can't do that, so do be good to her, be real good and dont forget to be adorable ya!

Till i have pics of u, i'm ending this entry.

Congrats atiqah & zarir!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July Books

Finished reading 2 books in July. Sekarang ni encik Shahrun tak marah dah beli buku banyak2, sebab boleh buat his tax deduction, hohoh.

Bahlut - by Faisal Tehrani

In my attempt to read one of Faisal Tehrani's masterpiece. Heard of him a lot, even from my Ayah. Worth a try, sebab aku rasa Faisal Tehrani's unlike most of other Malay novels yang aku baca, ada jalan cerita yang menarik, a lot of details dan takdelah terlalu fokus pasal bercinta-cintaan je. (But then again, aku baca novel melayu last sekali was last year, maybe my opinion doesn't count. )

Bahlut is about an aboriginate boy (orang asli) from Pahang's live. Macam mana penindasan terhadap orang asli ni sebenarnya, part of it disebabkan orang asli sendiri.

My Bestfriend's Girl - by Dorothy Komsoon

Leisure read, good book Bagus, sebab this book overachieved what i've expected. Hehe. Good for parents, sebab even Kamryn; the best friend who took care of a daugher of her late best friend (a child with her ex-fiance) can love the girl, affectionately. Unconditional love, I called.

Korang boleh ke sayang anak yang dilahirkan hasil hubungan rahsia dengan your lover/fiance? haha.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not so bright morning

Nampaknya kejadian amuk ditingkat 11 semakin menjadi-jadi.
Pengamuk, kakngah, memastikan setiap pagi tidak aman, dan penuh drama.
Kakngah yg posing lepas dah siap nak pi sekolah.
(p/s : my 'wallpaper' - very the nice kan? haihh..

Pagi ini, beliau mengamuk seperti biasa, questioning whether ibu mandikan dia or just basuh badan dia.
and then, the drama goes on.
Air mesti panas, air sejuk menyebabkan kakngah terketar2, eleh.
Baju sekolah mesti dah iron, dan kakngah cuma nak duduk saja, ibu tolong sarungkan semua. Demanding.

Jika ayah check beg kakngah seperti pagi ini, dan of course akan jumpa byk benda pelik, kakngah akan terasa hati.
Barang2 yg dijumpai dalam beg :

1. Duit syiling byk, duit ayah.
2. Sampah2 dari beg kakak
3. Buku2 coloring yg dia dah koyak2
4. Cotton buds, byk plak tu
5. Hair clips kakak
6. Sweets, lots of them
7. Tudung ibu
8. Underwear dia, super banyak (patut la sampai ada hari yang takde underwear)

At times, opah pernah jumpa cdma phone opah dalam beg sekolah kakngah.
setelah ayah buang semua benda2 tu, kakngah merajuk. Mostly, about the sweets. She's super sensitive when it comes to food, terutama sekali sweets.

" siapa suruh ayah buat cekelat kangah, cikgu yg bagi..-sedu sedan- kesian kakngah..... -sedu sedan- apa maknanya ayah amik cekelat kangah..."


dan sekarang kak ngah request nak menu biasa dia dipagi hari, bekalan kesekolah - nasi lemak dengan udang & telur rebus, campur kuah kuning.

No wonder nak angkatt dia super berat.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jerai outing

Yeay nak sampai peak!

Weekend, rather than cleaning up the mess we left at home, after 2 weeks of frequent travel, we head to Gunung Jerai.

This time around, bukan hiking, hanya utk menghiburkan hati anak2, yg ditinggalkan merata2 quite long. Sian depa.
We stayed at jerai regency resort, at the mount's peak. Best, sbb sejuk.. Kakngah yg tido from the entrance until we reach peak (boleh naik kereta ya), thought its cameron highland, hehe.
Kan banyak kabus

went there with few other families, so mereka rajin masak & siap bawa portable gas cooker. Dinner & breakfast is free. I loikeee..
the room we stayed has view of part of kedah & at some bright hours, boleh nampak langkawi, cool. Room is nice, takde aircond sbb tak payah. The resort plant pretty flowers, which my 2 daughters love so much, sampai baring2 ambil gambar.
And they do have a hall for sports - badminton, ping pong, pool, dart, basketball & they have bicycles for rent too. We only did played ping pong sebanyak 3 match, and aku kalah semua.. Hoh.
view from balcony, sangat cantik

Nice place to stay, just tak sempat makan kat sana so, cant review on that.

nice room eh?

Tapi turun dari Jerai, kami ke Radix Fried Chicken, sg petani for lunch. Ayam yg sedap, and aku rasa kurang lemak sket compared to KFC. Maybe sbb ayam dia organic.
And, we're heading back to penang, balik kemas rumah!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From Tapah with love

The act of making others happy is far more difficult than the opposite.
At least for me.

So, if i do say nice thing to anyone it takes a lot more energy.
Please appreciate it.

Full stop.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

as i was passing by

huh, dah bersawang.

Anyway, there's a lot of happenings, which i thought has less significant to own a whole post here (read : sebab dah past tense yg sangat panjang.. plus i am super lemau and malas to update), for instance :
  1. We went crazy deciding whether to move or not (tak abis2 kan? that's the art in our relationship, no case will be close, *grinnnn..*)
  2. The Thomas Cup has made us half sakit jantung, screaming and what's not in the house.
  3. I've finished reading 2 books, and am currently reading 1:
    1. The Concubine of Shanghai by Hong Ying
      • Read this during my whole trip in Borneo. The book was given free by the hotel owner when we stayed in Brunei (rugi, tak boleh claim tax).
      • A true story of a woman named Cassia, who lived as concubine in Shanghai.
    2. Natrah - Cinta, Rusuhan, Air Mata  by Fatini Yaacob
      • Who doesn't remember Natrah @ Maria Huberdina Hertorgh @ Bertha Hertogh ? Read this book, strongly recommended.
      • As the writer said in her preface - this story is about Natrah, and beyond. U should be surprise of the beyond (ke aku je?)
  4. We went to several interesting places :
    • Lost World of Tambun
    • err.. balik kelantan, boleh?
  5. Watched good and not so good movies :
    • Shrek in 3D - cool!
    • Ironman II - cool too, at least to my kids.
    • Clash of the titans
    • Robin Hood
And, I'll be updating the borneo trip soon.


How soon you say? hehe.. Very soon.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The more the merrier?

The talks around the office lately has been about getting another wife. It's a fun topic to be discussed for all my staff, they're all man and mostly are over 40.

Some seemed serious about involving in polygamy, some just does the lip service.

And none has the courtesy of filtering any words, maybe I've been here too long, they just don't bother or forget that I'm a woman.

Aaaanyway, I do have some insight. Polygamy is the right way to share love, provided those who shares really love each other and really do understand the concept of sharing.

I don't . So to the other half - don't try.

And I've heard of a story, a real story (yeaaahh jom gossip), about a colleague's attempt to polygamy.

It goes like this, he's about my age, married to a fine woman, about my age too. They've been married for about 6-7 years, yet they haven't got any child yet.

It has always been about babies.

He wanted one, yet she couldn't give him one. So he decide to find another woman, who could give him a baby.

But, he's not greedy. He waited for the right time to tell and ask for her permission to get married, one more time.

She cried.

And he said, relax. You don't have to tell me your answer today. Let's go relax somewhere, cool down and think about it. Think when you're sane.

So they go to a holiday trip. And comeback, they talk about it again.

This time, the wife said she's still not ready for it.
He said, its ok. If she didn't permit, he won't do it.
And life goes on.

Ok some part of it, aku menambah rasa, but the core part of it is all true.
Best kan jadi the wife, knowing that your husband really loves you.
But on the other hand, mesti sedih jugak, not being able to give what he wants most.

And i think unless someone could think as rational and as calm as both the above husband & wife, don't think of polygamy.

Although most of the man here in my office do talk like they'll walk it, none try it.
So those wife yang rasa2 your man is my officemate/workmate, worry no more. Hehe.

And hopefully, I shouldn't be too.. ;)

*images from google.