Monday, April 26, 2010

The more the merrier?

The talks around the office lately has been about getting another wife. It's a fun topic to be discussed for all my staff, they're all man and mostly are over 40.

Some seemed serious about involving in polygamy, some just does the lip service.

And none has the courtesy of filtering any words, maybe I've been here too long, they just don't bother or forget that I'm a woman.

Aaaanyway, I do have some insight. Polygamy is the right way to share love, provided those who shares really love each other and really do understand the concept of sharing.

I don't . So to the other half - don't try.

And I've heard of a story, a real story (yeaaahh jom gossip), about a colleague's attempt to polygamy.

It goes like this, he's about my age, married to a fine woman, about my age too. They've been married for about 6-7 years, yet they haven't got any child yet.

It has always been about babies.

He wanted one, yet she couldn't give him one. So he decide to find another woman, who could give him a baby.

But, he's not greedy. He waited for the right time to tell and ask for her permission to get married, one more time.

She cried.

And he said, relax. You don't have to tell me your answer today. Let's go relax somewhere, cool down and think about it. Think when you're sane.

So they go to a holiday trip. And comeback, they talk about it again.

This time, the wife said she's still not ready for it.
He said, its ok. If she didn't permit, he won't do it.
And life goes on.

Ok some part of it, aku menambah rasa, but the core part of it is all true.
Best kan jadi the wife, knowing that your husband really loves you.
But on the other hand, mesti sedih jugak, not being able to give what he wants most.

And i think unless someone could think as rational and as calm as both the above husband & wife, don't think of polygamy.

Although most of the man here in my office do talk like they'll walk it, none try it.
So those wife yang rasa2 your man is my officemate/workmate, worry no more. Hehe.

And hopefully, I shouldn't be too.. ;)

*images from google.

Friday, April 23, 2010

the verdict

I am :

This is my 2nd week at home, after we enjoyed our Sarawak-Brunei-Sabah journey.
(will of course blog about it later).

I've been bombarded with works, once I'm in the office.
Taklah banyaknya sangat, I know, but still being me, I'll be panicky, menggelupur and indecisive.
As if lah kerja aku tu super susah.

Besides all that, I still spare sometime to think of my next trip (sempatkan?)
This time, with kids.
Yelah, poor them. Asyik-asyik dicargo kesana-sini.

Kids, they're simple yet fragile.
Scold them everyday, they'll be chicken scared of u and do whatever u ask,
but long term, who knows what will the kids turn to.
Maybe someone who will be very very scared to try anything,
or maybe a person who can't decide for himself.

Ilhan Yasmin, compared to her younger siblings,  has to be handle delicately.
I have once spank her, for being lazy and lembik while doing her homework.
(and when i said its ok to rest for a while, dia boleh siap lompat2),
I spanked her so hard, I could feel it on my hand.
And i regret it until today.
The mark of my spanking is visible on her cheek, 2 days after that.
I am so teruk.
Budak tu baru je 6 tahun, homework adalah so not compulsory.
Plus she's been bored.

And looking back, my biggest mistake was, at that particular time, I'm also being influence by work headache and someone yg menyakitkan hati.
Pity her.

Anyway, she's been avoiding me for at least the whole week.
Even avoiding to talk to me in phone while I was in Miri.
And she's been super sensitive, raise your voice a bit, and she'll cry, air mata meluru-luru turun.

My last trip, was enjoyable, yet I can't take off my mind from being guilty.
Teruk rupanya to feel guilty to your own kid.
Kalau dia buat salah pun after that, ko akan rasa bersalah yg amat nak marah dia.

Which in turn, being my child, mestilah dia pandai tactical.
Inilah masa terbaik untuk buat2 pelbagai kesalahan seperti melompat-lompat atas katil aku dan mengganngu gugat keamanan adik adik.

So, moms out there.
Take me as youe bad example.
Never hurt your children.
There will always be a way, a much much better way to teach them rather than physical abuse or hurtful words.

And to break even with Ilhan,  we're planning to go somewhere near but needs the usage of passport,
hahah chewi kan?

So wish us luck. Rather, wish me luck, so i wont forget that Allah gave me children to be appreciated and loved.

**image are from Google.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bye bye work

From google

Hoho, life has been hectic dan menggelupur.
And full of drama (sorry anak-anak ku..)

I'm going off to Miri this wednesday and leaving task that will start and ends the same duration as my trip is.
Menggelupur ok.

Am taking a deep breath, so handing over could be smooth, amen amen...

And, shooooossshh with orang2 yang tak habis-habis complaint. Orang nak cuti dah plan setahun pun complaint. Kan bagus tolong menolong ni.. :)