Saturday, February 12, 2011

kursus & kurus

i have like 3 straight week for 2 courses, gila. Which, biasalah I'll choose the shorther course, 1 week. I'll be in KL next week people!

Other than that, we've bought a treadmill!!!!!

F1 storage mode. And letak distore pulak tu, the only available space

The normal Takasima F1. Penat weeyyhh. Setelah sekian lama menyimpan peluh, akhirnya panting every evening. I seriously hope that I'll be consistent, banyak duit dah dilabur nih. I literally swear on my first day (dah la baru 10 minutes berlari), gila penat.

Best is the treadmill comes with a free basikal magnetik, which is quite small so we could place it infront of the tv. Boring2 dan sambil menonton tv, sila kayuh (arahan en shahrun). I looiikke, better than folding clothes.

Apa yang penting, istiqamah semestinya. Moga-moga lah, kalau tak jadi ala-ala model, jadi ala-ala JLo pun ok. hihi.

And healthy.

The bad thing is, ada je lah ninja2 ingat the treadmill is one of their toys. Sekarang ni, ayat seperti, "kakak dah takde benda lain nak main, boleh main lari-lari tu?" selalu kedengaran. So berlari, harus mengunci bilik stor.


nuRuL said...

hi arisy,
hoyeaahh best kan sauna pants tu :) kalau camtu baek try sauna set terus, diva steam ke ezy infrared ke lagi besttt. after exercise treadmill je masuk rehat dalam sauna kasi lagi masyukkk bpeluh n bakar kalori!


ninaC said...

i'll be in KL too tuesday onwards.

ninaC said...

eh salah, wednesday onwards. where will you be. sms me ok

Arisy said...

nurul, yeah besstt... ! harus kena beli diva steam/trimmer.

ok cik nina, i'll sms malaysia's number kan?

nuRuL said...

yeaayy! kalau dah decide nak beli nanti email i ok:

sms pun bolehhh 0122419670 / 0139217373. thanksss arisy! :)

julie.yaacob said...

ul, jeles dgn treadmill and semangat ko.. aku ada crosstrainer yg jadi tpt sangkut baju sekolah aisya skrg.. harus aku gunakan balik.. thanks ul!