Saturday, September 17, 2011


As i havent found apps for blog update for BB, i'm live from en shahrun's iphone.

Best jugak baring2 sambil blog.

And last nite's dream was horrible. Mimpi Ammar passed away sbb suka sgt minum ribena, and rupanya there's some stuff in the drink yg akan mengakbatkan kematian.

Walaupun sounds ridiculous, but it feels so real. Aku bgn berpeluh, terus check Ammar kat sebelah. With relieve.

Dlm mimpi tu, aku dah letih menangis & menyesal for not spending time and loving him a lot lot lot lot more.

And bila bgn, aku realize that like it or not, death is certain. Setakat ni mmg takde org mortal, kalau ada, sure dah bersedih sepanjang hayat tgk semua org meninggal.

Deep inside, mulalah aku fikir mcm2, how time flies and love is not poured enuff for those we love. How old our parents are now, walaupun i have always deny it. How siblings are not anymore as close as dulu2, when we see each others everyday.

One day, if not me, these loved people will go.

Will we be able to accept the fate, relieved that we have spend the best time together and know that he/she is going somewhere better?

Or will we cry days and nite, in regret?

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