Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bantuan diperlukan segera!

From Google

U people need to help me.


Aku rasa huduh sangat la ni. Aishh, dengan debabnya, dengan muka sepinggan, malas nak belit tudung, duk pakai tudung express (pastu herot pulak tu).

Lagi-lagi bila dah tembam ni, baju cantik disarung mesti jadi tak elok dah. Oih serius nih. Buat perabih duit pi beli baju cun-cun.

Make up? nak belit tudung pun aku malas, nak pandang make up lagi lah.

Ye ye, aku ada masalah malas.

Tapi, cuba tolong jugak, how to be pretty, effortlessly?

Oh ye, tak gamak aku nak letak muka aku sekarang utk tatapan ramai. Pilih punya pilih, memang semua huduh.

** Dengan penuh harapan ada yg prihatin, dan membaca.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I need food (G5P3A1)

And am taking them. Cuma now food travels from mouth to throat to tummy without the usual tolls, untuk menikmati rasa.

I tought these will help, tapi serupa je. Cravings ada tapi nikmat tiada.

All food tasted blagghh, tapi aku still menyumbat.
Anyhow, thank this to the new someone inside. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

being older

inspired from Hasna's.

1. I have gave up a lot of dreams, among them are living overseas. Yup, aku rasa dah invalid, for my other half is not sharing the same dream. As for now, dream aku cumalah berharap his dream is not to grow old in Kelantan.

2. Being older, i realise i haven't got any close friend. Ada, but not as close as before. None are geographically close, so aku memang hopeless kalau tak dekat. In the office are all staffs, which means there's always limit.

3. Bye-bye to things that will melt my heart. Not because I don't love my other half, tapi because his not that kind. Putting hope untuk husband2 yg tak akan romantis adalah a waste of time. U might as well accept the fact and move on. After all, it is life.

4. Things i thought of everyday are just work and kids. Nothing fancy.

5. I realize that it is of no point arguing with those who won't change their mind. Dulu, aku akan argue jugak. But now, dah mellow. Malas dah.

6. I have already considering of not including slimming in my wishlist. No point when i have not work hard enough to slim down. Why i'm not working hard enough? Tah.

7. I have accepted a lot of things yg i wouldn't gave up 5 years back. Opinions yg dulu2 aku mesti tak accept, i do now - cth : jgn bawa anak pi mana2, susah, sbb depa buas. Well i kind of accept that now. Maybe sbb MIL duk ulang beribu kali.

8. Staying home is a bless. Lazying on the couch & watching tv. I use to not know whats on tv, tapi maybe sbb dulu2 we cant afford astro & parents takut anak2 asyik mengadap tv. And dulu, going out adalah best, be it to dine, shop, or just looking around taman-taman.

9. I do not want new friends. Rakan2 baru hanyalah those i met in work. And i dont consider them as friend.

10. My sleeping time is earlier. No more staying up late, except when my boss is demanding things.

Agak pathethic pulak aku when i'm older.

Or maybe happiness are defined differently, as we grow.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hoping for sunshine

The weather here in Penang is not so clear, almost everyday hujan resulting in bertimbun baju tak basuh.

Err kalau clear weather pun, at times timbun jugak kan?? ;)

Kat rumah pun agak gloomy, kakak is sent to Langkap. Atuk is not so happy with her progress with iqra' , saying sepatutnya darjah satu dah naik quran.

Betul jugak, tak set target utk dia, mmg lambat lah. So atuk bawa balik kampung, to mengaji plus mandarin tuition.

Kakak tak gloomy lah, since :

1. Dah dpt jalan ke langkawi
2. Dpt birthday bash di hotel, ibu pun tak penah
3. Present byk, including a set of barbie stationary from her opah teh.
4. Beside Adam, she's the center of evrything, walapun kadang2 kena cepuk dgn opah

So, tinggal both the youngest kat rumah haruslah aktiviti limited sikit. Tak ada ketua clan.

Still, look what happens in the house. !!