Monday, May 14, 2007

in the midst of third trimester

Pic of baby in 3rd trimester, taken from
the third trimester has always been a busy time for me. And i have always pray for pre-dated delivery rather than waiting for the expected due date.

doctor asked me to perform some exercise, as i've been complaining of back pain, and all other pain. hopefully those exercises will help me deliver quickly.

oh, i met the maid agent just now. Well, i found out that she's doing the business from home, not quite an agent, not a registered one. But, since we've made a deal, and i saw all the documents are in place and as long as she gave me a good deal with a good maid, i'm not cancelling anything just yet. The meeting lasted with her giving me 3 biodata of maid for me to choose.


Choosing is just not my thing. I doubt my decision making ability as my decision has always been well... wrong. I may chose right, but that would only happen after first decision has been made and damage has been done. Hmmpphh.. have i gave up ? nope. And i have no option to give up too. I must choose and decide. I need a straight and calm mind, with of course His help, Allah SWT.
and the third trimester symptom of mine come. Dizzi and sleepy. so , i got to go.
Bye. and wish me luck

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