Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My way, not milky way

There are days, when the moon did not put on her dark blanket.
And we could see her naked,
Full moon they called her.

We gaze in awe and praise her beauty,
as she's the brightest one in the night sky.
And stars glitters around her as her accessories.

And there are days when she pull her dark blanket,
covering her whole self,
And we sleep with the dark sky,
feeling gloom, without knowing why.

Oh, there are days when I feel flying,
and i strip all my feelings,
being the brightest object of all,
with glittering accessories,

how i wish everyday is that day.

but the gloomy day will come,
unalarmed, and without warning,
worst, it will haunt me the whole day..

what shall i do then?
my way : wait for the sun to shine,
everything will be fine then.

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