Friday, February 13, 2009

the evolution of anything

when i heard that news, the first thing came out to my mind was; i could be next.

well, when we are babies, the first thing that we could think of is just food, so we could feed our hunger, so we could continue living. After months of live in womb, suddenly live outside is more fun. So we hope to live.

and then we grow, we go to school. Of course, to pursue knowledge, for living. Be it for a piece of paper we called cert to get a good job, or merely for knowledge to continue living as adult. We're eager yet scared to be adult, so we learn. We learn to live.

once we've completed our learning, then comes the working. We work hard, day and night. To earn money, to earn recognition, bottom line, to live a good life.

Let's not forget that we also create life. We build family, we hope for children. We raised them, and feed them, and love them. So we say we have a good life. We are living happily.

And then one day, we heard someone's life is over. And we'll have this very same thing in our mind. One day it'll be my time.

and that day will come.

** sad and shock on Jo's time. May he rest in peace.

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