Friday, January 22, 2010

Stop that song!

I have to write an essay on what I should do this year.
And latest submission date is today.

This is what I have in mind :

This is what I'm supposed to send.
Call it roadmap, action plan, gantt chart whatever.

My plan =  empty.

Thank you so much.

Sigh.. idea.. keluarlahhhhh

* and these people in my office, boleh tak tolong jgn repeat lagu meleleh ni sampai aku naik pening.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

.. and i think everything is going to be all right, no matter what we do tonite.. yeahhh

I've always love Aerosmith, despite that I think they're not handsome. Handsome for me is like Depp. Cair kan?

Their songs macam mencairkan kan?

I haven't heard of this song lama.. And when I heard it in the airport, I feel an urge to blog about it. Sweet.

Remember this ?

Taken from MusicStack

Pink - Aerosmith

Pink - it's my new obsession

Pink - it's not even a question,
Pink - on the lips of your lover


'Cause Pink is the love you discover
Pink - as the bing on your cherry
Pink - 'cause you are so very

Pink - it's the color of passion
Ah, 'cause today it just goes with the fashion
Pink - it was love at first sight

Yeah, Pink - when I turn out the light
And Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

You could be my flamingo

'Cause pink - it's the new kinda of lingo
Pink - like a deco umbrella (shit)
It's kink that you don't ever tell her

Pink - it was love at first sight

And Pink when I turn out the light
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight


I want to be your lover
I, I wanna wrap you in rubber
As pink as the sheets that we lay on
'Cause Pink - it's my favorite crayon


Pink - it was love at first sight (yeah)
Pink - when I turn out the light
Pink - it's like red but not quite
And I think, everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

Monday, January 11, 2010

Life is like a cup of coffee

Grateful - bersyukur, is something I lack of recently. 10 years back, I thought bersyukur is an easy thing to do, and wonder why adults didn't.

It is not easy, at least for me, to feel bersyukur, dengan ikhlas. I don't know if I'm alone, but I don't think so. Mendengar orang-orang bercerita, I think I'm not alone.

Why don't we feel grateful?

Because maybe, the grass is always greener in the neighbor's lawn. This is sifat-sifat aku yang I failed to ignore.

I remember a friend, upon hearing a story about coffee & cup and everyone else replied that the moral of the story is we have to feel grateful of what we have and focus on the most important things in life; he didn't approve.

Instead, he argued that if we have option and chance to grab both good "cup" and good "coffee", why don't we? Why stop and thinks this is all I worth and feel grateful?

True indeed. Why ?

*nantikan sambungan jap lagi, tak pun esok..

Ok sorry for the delay.

Back to the topic, and rephrasing it; Is it ok to feel grateful, when u haven't got the best out of everything? Like having good coffee in an expensive pretty cup.

Or, actually we need to feel grateful for what has been designated for us is what's the best for us?

Hmmm.. susahkan?

Not indeed. After a few unsuccessful attempts of continuing this entry, I realize that we should all be grateful for what has been granted to us.
And that doesn't mean we should stop striving for the best.

If the analogy is still the cup & coffee story, be thankful for the cup you're currently using, and the coffee u're sipping. Sip it to the last drop, and take good care of the cup.
And, do not forget to find better coffee, with a better cup.

Back to basic, eh?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life log - to Masyitah

Masyitah has been very naughty these days. Nakal sehingga I've to log this, so to record and maybe one day, she'll read this and notice how naughty she has been.

First on Friday, she refuse to wake up for school. Refuse to take bath, throwing tantrums and it's already 8 am. Aku memang dah agak dah, sure lambatnye hari ni.

After we've finished our battle in the bath room, she refuse to put up her school tudung, instead she insisted on wearing her school's telekung.

Memang mengundang kemarahan.

We end the second war by a mutual agreement, "KakNgah pakai tudung ibu ni, putih jugak, kalau tak ibu tinggal KakNgah sorang-sorang kat rumah". MOU signed, so we went for school at around 8:30 am.

Yes, I'm super late to work that day.

And today, right when I turn my back away from her and Muhammad Ammar, to sidai baju-baju, both of them climbed Kakak's bed. (Kakak sleep above Masyitah, on their double decker bed).

The door opens, their Ayah balik.

Being Masyitah, she is always excited over everything, nak menerjah Ayah. She pushed Muhammad Ammar down.

First, I heard a loud cry. Then, I saw darah menitik kat lantai. Then, muka Ammar yang penuh darah. Nak terlonggar lutut aku.

Rupanya his teeth, 3 batang tau, patah!

We went straight to clinic, which advise us to go to the dentist. Dentist pun tak boleh nak conclude anything, except for suruh datang lepas dah habis bleeding and dah hilang bengkak.

Marahnya her Ayah kat Masyitah, tak taulah level mana.

Yet, she can always comment innoccently.

When I told her "KakNgah tolak adik, dah hilang gigi dia, kesian dia, macam mana nak makan?"
She replied " Itulah, ibu tak bagi dia cavity, kan colgate ada cavity.."

I was like, what??

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hari-hari kerajinan saya

These 2-3 days, I'm in domestic-goddess mode, konon. A bit rajin at home here and there. I cook, and if I'm cooking, I consider myself as rajin :).

I tried Salad Terung Grill, recipe taken from Blogresipi. Sedap and most importantly, senang.
Owh, and cubaan mendiet juga.

Here goes the recipe (version yang dah di tambah tokok from blogresipi) :

Bahan-bahan / Ingredients
1 biji terung / eggplant / 1 brinjal
1 biji bawang besar / 1 onion
3 ulas bawang putih / 3 garlic
2 batang cili padi / 2 bird's eye chillies
sedikit cili merah / red chillies
daun ketumbar / coriander leaves
2 sudu sos ikan / 2 spoon of fish sauce
2 sudu air limau / 3 spoon of lime juice
sedikit udang kering / dried shrimp

  1. Grill the eggplant, or u could just celur it for a while. Cut it into half or any way u like.
  2. Cook the dried shrimp on pan, without oil, sehingga masak sikit.
  3. Chopped all other ingredients (yang boleh dichop lah), finely.
  4. Mix the chopped items & dried shrimp with fish sauce and lime juice.
  5. Add in sugar and salt to taste.
  6. Sprinkle the mixture on top of your eggplant.

Ready! Trylah.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Congratulations, you're pregnant! Part II

This might not be long, sebab pregnancy tips rasanya dah habis share.

  1. Labor pain and how to recognize them
    • Pic from Mount Nittany
    • Labor pain (for me) is like period pain. Easier to explain to those yang pernah rasa period pain.
    • Unlike what u see in movies (tetiba sakit, terus nak terberanak) labor pain (contraction) will gradually increase, along with its frequency. Your doctor will normally advise you to time the contraction.
    • There are a few signs of labor :
      • braxton hix - early sign. Practice sign; some says.
      • bleeding
      • water broke
    • Whatever the sign is, note it and consult your doctor.
    • And this is what I do when the signal comes - eat. Do eat because u need the energy. And relax.
  2. What should we do during labor?
    • I walk. Even in the labor room. To ease the pain and smoothen the cervics opening, kot. At least that's what my doc said.
    • Relax and follow the doc's instruction. Don't forget your prayer and ingat Allah banyak2. This is going to be a battle between life and death.
    • Ayah-ayah, silalah memberi concentration yg ultimate terhadap ibu-ibu.
Let's move to post-delivery.
  1. Which product should I use, which one is the best?

I use this, ok jugak.
    • Well, for me any product will do, provided you take them with discipline. 
    • If your baby seemed uncomfortable (yang breastfeedlah), stop the intake, or maybe take less.
  1. What should I do during confinement?
    • Depends. Ikutlah nasihat mak & ayah. Sebab setengah orang bertungku, setengah bertangas, ada yg orang tungku kan, aku tungku sendiri je.  So depends.
    • But eat healthily, janganlah asyik nak kena makan ikan masin hari-hari. Ada je lauk pauk dan sayur-sayur yang boleh dimakan during pantang. Kalau aku dulu :
      • Ikan2 yang tak gatal - ikan merah, ikan nyut2 (mak aku kata).
      • Meat, chicken, even lamb.
      • Sayur sawi, sayur kucai, sayur kailan, carrot, brocolli, caulliflower, dan mcm2 lagi aku tak ingat.
      • fruits - kalau korang tak boleh makan sayur, take fruit. Apples, grape, banana, pear.
      • But avoid chillies, tapi aku tatau apesal. Mak aku suruh ganti dgn black pepper.
    • Do wrap ur belly (barut ke bengkong ke). Memang jadilah. Aku kalau lepas bersalin sure 3-4 bulan ramping. Lepas tu, makan tak hingat and gelebeh..
    • Oh yeah, my brother did say, kan masa kita pantang kita bleed (wiladah & nifas), so masa-masa nilah syaitan minat nak dekat. Do avoid bersedih-sedihan, ataupun perbuatan2 yang boleh memudaratkan, ingat Allah.
  2. How about the baby?
    • This part, I think yang paling susah. Dealing with another human, whom you have to didik dengan baiknya.
    • Tapi awal-awal ni, normally babies will behave. Antara perangai-perangai babies aku :
      • Nangis malam-malam - maybe sebab dia tidur siang-siang. Malam dia nak main, tapi parents nak tido. Babies tak kenal siang & malam lagi, so be patient, and ajak baby main siang2. Dia letih sikit malam
      • Nangis tak tau sebab.
        • Normally, kembung perut. Rub ointment, tapi jgn minyak panas lak. Minyak telon pun ok.

          I used this dulu.
        • Maybe napkin terlipat salah, dia tak selesa. Or maybe mittens dia ada tersangkut sikit kat jari-jari dia. That kind of small things. Babies kan tak boleh buat sendiri, and tak reti nak bagi tau kat mana sakit.
        • Ataupun nak tidur. Ada jugak anak aku yg nak tidur kena nangis dulu.
    • Yang part lain-lain, jaundice ke atau pun health problem lain, do refer to the paed.
Hmmh.. tak byk pun yang aku tau. But sharing is caring kan?
So, especially for :
  1. Atiqah, enjoy the pregnancy.
  2. Li, enjoy waiting for the baby
  3. Anis, enjoy taking care of the baby, jgn sedih2.
  4. Asren, good luck with making baby! hehe.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yang pergi pastinya pergi, kita yang tinggal menanti hari

Actually, I've been planning to blog about this since I've heard the news.

Takziah, buat keluarga Shafni Mohd Eusof, yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 1.1.1980.

She's 29 years old, TM staff, and info from my staff she died in her sleep. Suspected due to appendix. I didn't investigate or asked around whether betul or not, and maaf kalau silap.

She's been a friend of mine since we met during futsal training, 2008. But, being me, walaupun dekat je satu Penang, I rarely contact her, in fact anyone kecuali yg aku kena contact pasal kerja, walaupun she's a type yang boleh dibuat kawan.

And now, aku macam terkedu. Unexpected. Sebab orang kata dia sihat je.

Dan benarlah janji Allah, tidak terlewat sesaat pun.

Back to the title (which I copy paste from Ust Zakuan Tak's email dolu-dolu..), kita yang tinggal menanti hari.

So, to anyone reading this blog, pls do sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarhamah.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Congratulations, you're pregnant!

Before you congrats me, nope I'm not pregnant.

Recently, banyak pulak yang bertanya everything about pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery to me.
Maybe sebab I've went tru the process 3 times secara rapid, heheh.

But, frankly, I'm not that good in taking care of myself or the baby. Boleh lah share, tapi tak lah hebat dan rajin. So, I guess untuk mereka-mereka yang agak tak rajin macam aku, I list what I do for my pregnancy until post-delivery :

  1. Most of us will experience morning sickness. I do. Since ada yang menangis2 tanya aku mcm mana nak hilangkan loya-loya, here goes :
    • Image from eHow
    • I took crackers/biscuits, late night before tidur, when I woke up in the middle of night, and the first thing in the morning. It helps fill in your tummy, dan helps reduce angin2 yg masuk.
    • Oily food is a no-no, at least for me. So avoid it.
    • Do not skip any meal. Always snack, and choose your snack. It might take a while to find the right snack that doesn't make u vommit, but be patient. My advice - Google for snack that could help reduce your nausea.
    • Do not snack on asam-asam/jeruk-jeruk too much. Its not good for ur health. Acidic kan? I know, I know, with the heavy headache and uncomfortable tummy, asam-asam adalah tempting. Take it, but control your intake.
    • Be strong, eat up (and eat healthily) because the vitamins and zat-zat will be shared with your baby. I say this sebab, aku pun ada masa-masa yang letih dah makan and vommit, rasa macam taknak makan langsung.
  2. Where to do routine check up ?
    • During your early pregnancy, it is wise to choose where to do your routine check-ups and that better be where you want to deliver. Why? Because you want the same doc to examine you, and who knows your health condition to help during delivery right?
    • Unless, you opt to deliver at GH. Which is not a bad choice at all. So, do your check up at the nearest Klinik Kesihatan.
    • For those who choose private hospitals, I suggest you to also register yourself at the Klinik Kesihatan, and do tell them you are going to do your routine check up & deliver at private hospital.
      Because, by registering you could enjoy the benefit of government nurse coming over to your house post-delivery to check your stitches, help check the baby and even bathe the baby.
      And.. in case you are away from home, tetiba nak deliver, there's no private hospital nearby (or u knowlah private hospital memacam nak..), U can always check-in to the nearest Klinik Kesihatan (which is everywhere) or GH. Sebab they keep your record, just bring your patient card.
    • Kalau register kat Klinik Kerajaan, don't forget your Sijil Nikah, original copy.
    • Oh, if u feel anything weird, even if u are not sure if its weird or not, please do consult your doctor, or any doctor, or in my case; Mak (tapi mak aku bukan doktor). Don't take anything for granted, especially if this is your first pregnancy.
  3. Should I do exercise ?
    • I did. During my 3rd trimester. Bukan lah berjoging ke melompat bagai. Just walk, and main-main air di pool. It helps with your stamina and stamina is what u need for delivery.
  4. When should I start buying things for the baby?
    •  I'd say start early - during your second trimester. Unless, of course kalau duit belambak, lagi 1 week nak deliver boleh beli. Start early, so that u could budget things right.
    • Apa nak dibeli.. Hmmh.. I always use this list, convenient and complete. Given by Julie. (this is a snapshop, aku tak reti nak upload file or paste it here, so in case sapa2 nak just do request it)

Click image for larger view

Ok, panggilan tugas..nanti I sambung later.