Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm waiting for this to be released.

The trailer is interesting, and I'm hoping that we'll be watching a good movie. I sense that we'll be.
Reviews are good (dah pre-released kat siam).

Jom tengok!

P/S - u'll find a related trailer by KRU Studio - Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, another exciting awaited movie.


dali said...

ul, not sure u know ultraman or not. he write the story btw, lepas tu jual kat depa utk buat filem.

cant wait for the movie too!

Arisy said...

ultraman? kenallah.. yang runtuh runtuh kan bangunan kat jepun tu kan? :P nope, tak kenal..

trailer dia menarik narik kan?