Let's have all the mommies reading this blog to help me.
Normal kah :
1. seorang ibu marahkan anak-anak sebab tumpahkan makanan, let say almost everyday?
ataupun, tu memang proses pembelajaran anak, so why bother marah?
2. seorang ibu ada rasa nak be on leave for 2-3 days tak pun seminggu, away from the kids?
ataupun, ko tunggu la dah tua nanti, rasakan bila anak2 nak take leave setahun dua jaga ko?
3. ibu biarkan je anak-anak main sambil bersepahan. kadang-kadang habih kotor. sebab tak larat nak marah. Ataupun, mak jenis apa ko ni? Spend time with your kids!
4. kalau dengki dengan anak orang, sebab behave? And anak ko tak behave langsung. Ada je aktiviti berlari-lari nak dibuat. Takpun bergaduh-gaduhan. Ataupun, dah memang salah ko, anak tak behave. Anyway, sapa ajar depa jadi tak behave?
5. kalau tak dapat tidur malam-malam, just to watch tv. Sebab thats the only me time yg ko ada.
6. kalau rasa sakit kepala, sebab some things tak dapat dibuat dengan anak-anak yg ramai. Contohnya nak pi supermarket, pening sebab akan ada aksi berguling. Ataupun, lantak jelah. They're kids?
7. kalau rasa agak down, sebab kerja tak dapat dibuat sepanjang masa. Seperti kalau ada kerja-kerja malam, ko tunggulah anak-anak tidur dulu. And the next day, jadi orang bodoh sat sebab tak pandai-pandai kerja. Or, memang ko yg cari pasal, dah tau ada anak, spend time mostly masa office learn your work.
8. seorang ibu memendam rasa, sebab dah dekat 6-7 tahun asyik beli baju bawah RM50, kasut dah koyak baru cari ganti, takpun pau kasut adik beradik. Walaupun raya. Nak kena beli baju anak-anak yg tak payah cerita harganya, sebab anak dah tarik muncung panjang. Ataupun, wajiblah pendam je rasa. Mak ayah ko dulu pun bukannya senang bela ko, kan?
9. kalau benci tengok rumah sendiri? Kalau dah jenuh kemas & alter mana-mana yg boleh alter, tapi still akan dirosakkan budak-budak kecik? Ataupun, relaxlah.. let the kids learn tru experience. eh?
10. kalau rasa malas nak cepat-cepat balik dari office to fetch the kids. Sebab dah tau dah, dalam kereta akan start pelbagai jenis perang. Dari ultraman sampai lah ke hagemaru. Even nak keluar dari kereta pun kena ada skill memujuk.
Normalkah? Ada anyone have the same situation with me, at least 60% of it ?
Kalau tak, mungkin aku kena pegi jumpa theraphist/phsychitrist or join the anger management class.
But, I still love my kids. Don't ask how do i know. I just know.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
no point blaming penang
ok, jom makan banyak-banyak.
Last weekend, bila rajin tiba, aku masak nasi ayam penyet.
Bersungguh-sungguh, pukul 730 dah siap nak ke market.
Siap ke market, singgah gerai roti canai,
Bagi seisi rumah breakfast dulu,
sementara aku masak lunch.
Habis lunch, ke Queensbay.
Takdak arah, tapi pegi jugak.
At last dapat jemputan ke kampung pelet.
so, lepas maghrib makan pulak kambing grill, ayam kampung & whatnot
balik rumah, akibat sengsara sehari makan banyak
tambah lagi makan, fitnesse cereal & teh o.
sengsara sungguh jadi aku.
makan je.
ok jom tekup bantal & jerit kuat2.
Last weekend, bila rajin tiba, aku masak nasi ayam penyet.
Bersungguh-sungguh, pukul 730 dah siap nak ke market.
Siap ke market, singgah gerai roti canai,
Bagi seisi rumah breakfast dulu,
sementara aku masak lunch.
Habis lunch, ke Queensbay.
Takdak arah, tapi pegi jugak.
At last dapat jemputan ke kampung pelet.
so, lepas maghrib makan pulak kambing grill, ayam kampung & whatnot
balik rumah, akibat sengsara sehari makan banyak
tambah lagi makan, fitnesse cereal & teh o.
sengsara sungguh jadi aku.
makan je.
ok jom tekup bantal & jerit kuat2.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Pulau sunyi
hari ni, ke pulau jerjak lagi.
Kapal pun tak banyak. And aku tengok muka sorang-sorang engineer/technician kat sana semua berharap dapat balik cepat.
Tak pun lagi bagus kalau ada shipyard kat tepi pantai seagate. huhu.
Aku pun faham, dulu-dulu mai sini sekejap saja. Tapi bila seharian suntuk, food tak hebat, panas, dusty, takde awek (kalau ada pun tak hot), memang rasa mcm pelarian.
Takpun aku je yg imagine, sebab aku penat round shipyard dekat 1km semata-mata nak wee wee.
Kapal pun tak banyak. And aku tengok muka sorang-sorang engineer/technician kat sana semua berharap dapat balik cepat.
Tak pun lagi bagus kalau ada shipyard kat tepi pantai seagate. huhu.
Aku pun faham, dulu-dulu mai sini sekejap saja. Tapi bila seharian suntuk, food tak hebat, panas, dusty, takde awek (kalau ada pun tak hot), memang rasa mcm pelarian.
Takpun aku je yg imagine, sebab aku penat round shipyard dekat 1km semata-mata nak wee wee.
Friday, November 19, 2010
To the highlands
We'll be going to Cameron Highlands this weekend!
It is actually my Ayah's promise to the kid, about a year ago. My kids they love tempat sejuk-sejuk - hint-hint.
So, bye!
* owh, kecewa tak dapat tengok Potter.
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Pics from Google |
It is actually my Ayah's promise to the kid, about a year ago. My kids they love tempat sejuk-sejuk - hint-hint.
So, bye!
* owh, kecewa tak dapat tengok Potter.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Don't go away
Last Sunday, I was doing some 5s in the house with hubby, particularly in the solat room, when Ilhan & the gang messed up big time at our living room. We both were very tired (yelah, lama gila tak 5s), and being us, we yelled at Ilhan for she has always lead this kind of activities.
At that point, so angry, I was saying something like this to her - if you're around, ibu will always be angry. Go away!. That's me folks, with thin iman & thick anger.
Truth is, all of them did that, tapi being the eldest, she's always been the main target.
And, yesterday during lunch hour I received a call from Masyitah's kindy. Ilhan is here, they said, sent by some chinese man. She's ok, but the chinese man found her wandering around the road and crying.
Her evening kindy (she went there for fardhu ain & quran classes) moved to a nearby rented premise, and missed to inform both Shahrun and me. And her van driver, left her at the ex-school gate, without even looking if she has entered. So, she knocked and knocked until she realized no one's there.
She's thinking of going to Masyitah's place as it is around that area. Walaupun agak jauh. Which is why when the chinese man pick her up, she informed him to send her to Masyitah's kindy. Bijak jugak.
But, upon hearing that, menitik air mata. I remembered the thing I said yesterday, and true enough Allah tested us. A mother, wants her child to go away, and Allah tested me how it feels if she's truly away.
Ye kawan-kawan, ibu's words are doa.
So please friends, ambillah iktibar dari kesilapan saya :
damaged done - sila abaikan panties & seluar kakngah, sungguh eye distraction
At that point, so angry, I was saying something like this to her - if you're around, ibu will always be angry. Go away!. That's me folks, with thin iman & thick anger.
Truth is, all of them did that, tapi being the eldest, she's always been the main target.
And, yesterday during lunch hour I received a call from Masyitah's kindy. Ilhan is here, they said, sent by some chinese man. She's ok, but the chinese man found her wandering around the road and crying.
Her evening kindy (she went there for fardhu ain & quran classes) moved to a nearby rented premise, and missed to inform both Shahrun and me. And her van driver, left her at the ex-school gate, without even looking if she has entered. So, she knocked and knocked until she realized no one's there.
She's thinking of going to Masyitah's place as it is around that area. Walaupun agak jauh. Which is why when the chinese man pick her up, she informed him to send her to Masyitah's kindy. Bijak jugak.
But, upon hearing that, menitik air mata. I remembered the thing I said yesterday, and true enough Allah tested us. A mother, wants her child to go away, and Allah tested me how it feels if she's truly away.
Ye kawan-kawan, ibu's words are doa.
So please friends, ambillah iktibar dari kesilapan saya :
- Check and always check your kid's van driver. If he's ignorant even once, tolong jangan buat tak tahu. Do something, at least call the driver and let him know how important it is to the kid's safety. And stalked them too once in a while:
- I've once being told by the teacher that the driver always left Ilhan at the school gate, not checking if she safely entered the kindy. My fault, I did nothing.
- Please do be extra friendly with your kid's teacher. They might forget those who are not. Macam saya. Resulting me not receiving any news of the school relocation.
- Give your kids your phone number.
- Always always always find a reliable guardian. Be it the school the driver or whoever taking care of her.
- last night Ilhan told me, the driver once left her alone at the road side with the van. The van is out of fuel, and he needs to buy some. Ilhan has to locked the door and be silent.
- Never never never never say inappropriately. Say good things to your kid. You're a mother kan?
very sorry dear
Monday, November 15, 2010
oh so random
After a while.
Year end concert
For the kids' kindy. Ilhan & Masyitah. Ilhan's was held at Dewan Sri Pinang, very grand tapi aku rasa the concept was not creative enough. All they did was dance with fancy dresses. Gambar ada with her uncle, i'll upload later. And tak berapa meriah since Ilhan baru habis a week of high fever. She stalled once she saw her atuk, atuk pulak melambai dengan semangat waja.
The red waves
We went to watch the Final Piala Malaysia, of course on the The Red Warrior's side (walaupun takdelah sokong sangat, I don't care sapa menang, asal main best2 saja). I was not supposed to join the crowd, but I have no choice as Ammar is so excited to "ole, ole". The red waves is so big, I can't even go to the toilet. And they put so much hope, I've thought of going out from the stadium in case TRW hasn't score any goal on the 60's minutes.
Kalau tak goal lagi, sure hangus stadium tu. Ganah demo.
And Ammar slept from minute 10 until TRW's first goal. So much ole-ole.
For those who has come to my house, surely knows our standard. Rumah seperti PPRT haha! No kitchen cabinet, old wardrobe (yang type orang bujang guna tu) & full of boxes. We've been living like that for we've never thought that we'll stay this long in the house.
Looks like we'll be staying until another 2 years minimum, so we've bought a new wardrobe - for towels, beddings, curtains and baju2 yang tak cukup space. That, is our first attempt untuk mencantikkan rumah.
Next month maybe boleh sambung part lain - painting & kids wardrobe.
ok jap, kerja memanggil.
Eh, cancellah. To be continued on different entry, haha
Year end concert
For the kids' kindy. Ilhan & Masyitah. Ilhan's was held at Dewan Sri Pinang, very grand tapi aku rasa the concept was not creative enough. All they did was dance with fancy dresses. Gambar ada with her uncle, i'll upload later. And tak berapa meriah since Ilhan baru habis a week of high fever. She stalled once she saw her atuk, atuk pulak melambai dengan semangat waja.
Ilhan with her friend Dakshina, they were doing 1Malaysia dance
Hand painted by her teachers, sampai petang tanak basuh
Masyitah's was a decent ceremony, yet the teachers are very creative. She did recite some surah lazim, tapi once she saw us, terus stop & buat aksi ratu cantik. She was very excited during the whole ceremony, again seeing her atuk excites her more. She sang so loud, lead the group and refuse to get away from the stage. Sengih-sengih.Masyitah, penuh perasaan cun
The red waves
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The Red Warriors - penuh satu stadium |
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Me & Ammar, excited juga tengok! |
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The crowd yg akan mengganas kalau kalah ;) |
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Geng-geng seangkatan Shahrun merangkap sanak saudara |
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The Zorros - his cousins |
For those who has come to my house, surely knows our standard. Rumah seperti PPRT haha! No kitchen cabinet, old wardrobe (yang type orang bujang guna tu) & full of boxes. We've been living like that for we've never thought that we'll stay this long in the house.
Looks like we'll be staying until another 2 years minimum, so we've bought a new wardrobe - for towels, beddings, curtains and baju2 yang tak cukup space. That, is our first attempt untuk mencantikkan rumah.
Next month maybe boleh sambung part lain - painting & kids wardrobe.
ok jap, kerja memanggil.
Eh, cancellah. To be continued on different entry, haha
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