Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bantuan diperlukan segera!

From Google

U people need to help me.


Aku rasa huduh sangat la ni. Aishh, dengan debabnya, dengan muka sepinggan, malas nak belit tudung, duk pakai tudung express (pastu herot pulak tu).

Lagi-lagi bila dah tembam ni, baju cantik disarung mesti jadi tak elok dah. Oih serius nih. Buat perabih duit pi beli baju cun-cun.

Make up? nak belit tudung pun aku malas, nak pandang make up lagi lah.

Ye ye, aku ada masalah malas.

Tapi, cuba tolong jugak, how to be pretty, effortlessly?

Oh ye, tak gamak aku nak letak muka aku sekarang utk tatapan ramai. Pilih punya pilih, memang semua huduh.

** Dengan penuh harapan ada yg prihatin, dan membaca.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I need food (G5P3A1)

And am taking them. Cuma now food travels from mouth to throat to tummy without the usual tolls, untuk menikmati rasa.

I tought these will help, tapi serupa je. Cravings ada tapi nikmat tiada.

All food tasted blagghh, tapi aku still menyumbat.
Anyhow, thank this to the new someone inside. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

being older

inspired from Hasna's.

1. I have gave up a lot of dreams, among them are living overseas. Yup, aku rasa dah invalid, for my other half is not sharing the same dream. As for now, dream aku cumalah berharap his dream is not to grow old in Kelantan.

2. Being older, i realise i haven't got any close friend. Ada, but not as close as before. None are geographically close, so aku memang hopeless kalau tak dekat. In the office are all staffs, which means there's always limit.

3. Bye-bye to things that will melt my heart. Not because I don't love my other half, tapi because his not that kind. Putting hope untuk husband2 yg tak akan romantis adalah a waste of time. U might as well accept the fact and move on. After all, it is life.

4. Things i thought of everyday are just work and kids. Nothing fancy.

5. I realize that it is of no point arguing with those who won't change their mind. Dulu, aku akan argue jugak. But now, dah mellow. Malas dah.

6. I have already considering of not including slimming in my wishlist. No point when i have not work hard enough to slim down. Why i'm not working hard enough? Tah.

7. I have accepted a lot of things yg i wouldn't gave up 5 years back. Opinions yg dulu2 aku mesti tak accept, i do now - cth : jgn bawa anak pi mana2, susah, sbb depa buas. Well i kind of accept that now. Maybe sbb MIL duk ulang beribu kali.

8. Staying home is a bless. Lazying on the couch & watching tv. I use to not know whats on tv, tapi maybe sbb dulu2 we cant afford astro & parents takut anak2 asyik mengadap tv. And dulu, going out adalah best, be it to dine, shop, or just looking around taman-taman.

9. I do not want new friends. Rakan2 baru hanyalah those i met in work. And i dont consider them as friend.

10. My sleeping time is earlier. No more staying up late, except when my boss is demanding things.

Agak pathethic pulak aku when i'm older.

Or maybe happiness are defined differently, as we grow.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hoping for sunshine

The weather here in Penang is not so clear, almost everyday hujan resulting in bertimbun baju tak basuh.

Err kalau clear weather pun, at times timbun jugak kan?? ;)

Kat rumah pun agak gloomy, kakak is sent to Langkap. Atuk is not so happy with her progress with iqra' , saying sepatutnya darjah satu dah naik quran.

Betul jugak, tak set target utk dia, mmg lambat lah. So atuk bawa balik kampung, to mengaji plus mandarin tuition.

Kakak tak gloomy lah, since :

1. Dah dpt jalan ke langkawi
2. Dpt birthday bash di hotel, ibu pun tak penah
3. Present byk, including a set of barbie stationary from her opah teh.
4. Beside Adam, she's the center of evrything, walapun kadang2 kena cepuk dgn opah

So, tinggal both the youngest kat rumah haruslah aktiviti limited sikit. Tak ada ketua clan.

Still, look what happens in the house. !!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mesin fotokopi

I'm literally menyalin semula almost all my stations's record from 2009 until todate.
Sumpah letih and not feeling it is the right thing to do.

Tapi dah takde record, what else can we do.

Let's hope this Saffridin is a lovely lovely man and love to eat nasi kandaq.
We have range of choices over here to bawak u jalan-jalan.
Dah kenyang baru audit ye.

Monday, October 31, 2011

i don't understand me

susah betul, bila doktor suruh rehat, bagi MC kau gedik nak kerja.

Bila MC habis, kau letih nak kerja.

Pengajaran - when u were given medical leave, it is for good reasons. Jangan pandai2 jadi doktor.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Science 101

Behold... The experiment of the year..

Al kisahnya, i've to go a bit early in the morning for a 2 days course, so the ninjas pergi sekolah dgn ayah.

And when i reached home, habis seplastik kacang hijau. Hasilnya agak menarik.

Nampak dah ada tunas. Mungkin kalau nak buat soto tak payah beli taugeh, hehe.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh kids!

We had a great weekend, i.e berjalan-jalan without thinking a bit on our weekly house spring cleaning.

Dah la mmg once a week shj ada cleaning. ;) sure FIL aku mengeluh kalau dgr, and he has been. Honest kan kami?

Even the school's uniform & shoes are left unwashed lagi until just now! Dahsat sungguh penangan kemalasan & berjoli.

We went to Tadika Amal Pintar's raya feast, The Floating book Fair, queensbay to watch Smurf, but tix are sold out so we bought the next day tix (sunday), eat out & window shop.

Semua flat on the way home, just to find out that we cant stay home tomorrow sbb tix dah beli.

Sunday is a bless sbb we manage to meratah bowls and bowls of soto akak gerai market bkt gedung, before going off to the cinema.

The smurf is smurfing attractive to the kids, plus we watched the 3d version, lebih excited lah depa.

And when the moon emerge, mulalah buat hal, the ninja's dont wanna sleep, mungkin sugar overdose akibat kek lapis sarawak.

Seterusnya membawa ketensionan to the mother, who just realize that she have piles of laundry to be done & shooooootttt an important email yg asyik ditangguh2.

Padan muka.

Maka at 9pm, everyone dikerah tidur. Kalau tak, pasti akan ada amukan mlm ni.

The ninjas, they just love to try. Curiousity level tinggi.

"Apa kata kita gelak2 dlm gelap ni, ibu suruh tido tapi rugilah kalau tak guling2 atas katil, gelak2 dan sepahkan bantal selimut ni. Or better, jom kita main lari2 dlm gelap ni. Ibu ingat kalau off lampu kita tak boleh main kot" - dialog rekaan, tapi i think it is 99% precise, at least dlm hati.

And when ada bunyi mcm rusuhan je dlm bilik depa, ini sudah lebih!

Kalau amukan yg ninja request, amukan lah yg dapat.

Kisah seterusnya kena censored. Ada tangisan2 of course.

Akhirnya all of them fall asleep, forced.

And when they sleep, they wont be easily distracted, ko bunyikanlah tv kuat2 pun. They looked angelic and sweet.

See, baik kan?

Masa2 nilah ibu will feel sorry for what i've said n done. You ninjas are just kids, u dont have to suit your playing to my mood and bad habit. Tapi ibu paksa jugak..

When i'm mad, i tend to act half conciously, sorry for being such a mum. Sorry because u didnt choose to be my kid, and living with my weaknesses.

Esok mcm mana? Can i be patient and nice? Allah, please..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The floating book fair!

Saw the billboard ads on one of my normal route to work. Sungguh tempting.

Admission fee is only RM1, and free for kids below 12 !

Read some review from those went in, super tempting. Dah aku tak pernah naik cruise kan. Float saja pun menarik.

Logo's Hope will be in Swettenham Pier, Penang until this weekend (25th), and their next stop :

Must be an exciting visit for Ilhan, she has read 2 story book now.


Saturday, September 17, 2011


As i havent found apps for blog update for BB, i'm live from en shahrun's iphone.

Best jugak baring2 sambil blog.

And last nite's dream was horrible. Mimpi Ammar passed away sbb suka sgt minum ribena, and rupanya there's some stuff in the drink yg akan mengakbatkan kematian.

Walaupun sounds ridiculous, but it feels so real. Aku bgn berpeluh, terus check Ammar kat sebelah. With relieve.

Dlm mimpi tu, aku dah letih menangis & menyesal for not spending time and loving him a lot lot lot lot more.

And bila bgn, aku realize that like it or not, death is certain. Setakat ni mmg takde org mortal, kalau ada, sure dah bersedih sepanjang hayat tgk semua org meninggal.

Deep inside, mulalah aku fikir mcm2, how time flies and love is not poured enuff for those we love. How old our parents are now, walaupun i have always deny it. How siblings are not anymore as close as dulu2, when we see each others everyday.

One day, if not me, these loved people will go.

Will we be able to accept the fate, relieved that we have spend the best time together and know that he/she is going somewhere better?

Or will we cry days and nite, in regret?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Selamat Hari Malaysia!

Kagum dengan lenggok bahasa perutusan khas Hari Malaysia.

Kagum juga dengan keamanan, kemakmuran hidup di Malaysia,
sehingga ada kalanya membawa kepada kemalasan & kesombongan.

Apa pun, kami sekeluarga kagum dengan cuti yang agak mewah bulan ini.

Terima Kasih!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Update gambar raya sekeping, walaupun sebenarnya nak tunggu kurus baru nak posing cun-cun.
Tapi kang kalau tak kurus-kurus kang?

And it was a difficult scene nak ambil sekeping gambar, jenuh aku control cun.

Konon busy

Tapi malas sebenarnya.

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin.

Cantik tak kasut baru? :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Updates - Faiz & Reen

I've just came back from Langkap, for our side of kenduri. Meriah, but sorry to all the guest yang last-last, makanan dah berkurangan. Yang kena makan roti pun ada, sorry ya!

Thanks to all my pakcik & makcik, my cousins from both side, jiran-jiran tetangga who has been there to help. Thanks so much!

Enjoy the pics!


Sanding at Melaka

Tabik time, with cousins

All the guys

Silap susun, this is Nikah time

I like this pic, sebab ada muka mak yg penuh ekpresi kat belakang.
Mak, jgn buli menantu tau


These 2 girls yg sakan dengan rantai barbie doll

Gorgeous cake by Ulfa Deli, cuma roses tak cukup banyak

The pelamin in hall.

With families from Medan

During kawad with sword bearer and bagpipe

Oh, i like this pic so much. Pandai pulak Reen & Faiz posing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

**Bunyi Kompang**

Tahniah, tahniah kepada adikku yg berjaya menamatkan zaman bujang last weekend.
Hujung minggu ni di Langkap pulak.

Owh, sebelum aku tertinggal jemput anyone, kalau ada readers (kalau), please be invited to Faiz's wedding :

    • Tarikh : 11 Jun 2011 (12:00 - 2:30 pm)
    • Tempat : Dewan SJKC Wah Keow, Langkap (ok, aku malas lukis peta, sila google map)
Ada banyak gambar yg sepupu-sepapat pakcik makcik upload dalam facebook, aku je tak copy lagi. Nanti aku upload kat sini, ni kan office hour tak sempat nak mengupload. --> ok done!

Time nikah adalah amat sedih, at least to me. First time adik lelaki ku di akad kan. Apa yg aku sedih tahla, but aku sedih. I'm sure my SIL will take good care of him (apakah, aku pun bukannya jaga si Faiz nih), and she love him so much, tapi nak sedih jugak.

Maybe because, like it or not, marriage will bring a person to another stage of life. U won't be reversed to your previous stage.

Your priority change, your lifestyle unconciously changed, either for love or just for the sake of living your life.

Like it or not, my brother wudn't be able to always pick up my phone calls and listen to my crappy problems, he on the other hand will not call me to mengadu as before. Instead of only me and Atiqah missing during Hari Raya, Faiz will not be around to sometimes.

A bit selfish, I know.

But I'm happy for him, takkan lah nak pi simpan adik aku tu jgn bagi kawin2, tapi aku boleh pulak. And I'm sure she's the most suitable woman for him, and insya Allah for us. Hopefully, she'll be better than me sebagai in-law (aku dapat markah 50% je kot)

Tapi yang paling tak tahan adalah, Reen menambah bilangan manusia kurus dalam family aku. Stress ok bila kadar manusia overweight adalah rendah, chances is kalau aku turun 10KG pun, aku lah yg paling gemuk.

That my friends, is one of the reason aku hampir-hampir menitis air mata. Shesshhh.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

bye-bye 1st baby teeth

With lots and lots of tears, Ilhan's first baby teeth falls out. Or sebenarnya, dicabut dentist.

Actually her front teeth dah menampakkan sifat-sifat untuk gugur, but she refuse to be touched,  or even examined. We first saw her front teeth agak jarang dari biasa,signing gigi kekal sudah menolak gigi susu.

Tapi, being Ilhan yang drama queen dan soap opera queen, jangan tanya pun. Dia sensitip. When asked why your front teeth nampak pelik, she'll digest that ask me saying she's not pretty.

Anak-anak dara memang begitu.

Tanya pun susah, let alone nak pegang-pegang gigi dia. So, we decide to wait until balik kelantan or perak, because normally she'll behave extra cooperative in kampung.

Balik kelantan, ada dental clinic nearby, Klinik Dr Irma. Check her in, and the sweet dentist said, gigi ilhan dah goyang, and her permanent tooth dah nak keluar.

Ready untuk dicucuk ubat kebas

Cucuk gusi belakang pulak
She put on some cream, tak tau untuk apa, and jab ubat kebas kot kat gusi. With one move, cabut terus gigi dia. Sedih pulak tengok baby tooth itu.

The dentist said gigi ni dah takde akar pun, lucky we came now sebab gigi kekal dah keluar and finding space to locate.

So, Ilhan dah besar, sebab dah ada gigi kekal. Soon, her first period, first time leaving home, and disunting orang. Jauh pulak aku fikir ;)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kapal terbang

Weekend datang lagiii.. selain memenuhi weekend dengan ultraman the series, budak-budak tingkat 11 ni juga memunggah & sambil koyak2 kertas.

Pity them, sebab mostly, cuti adalah time balik kampung. Either to Perak or Kelantan. Kadang-kadang je boleh jalan-jalan. Weekend panjang je sikit, kami pun cabut balik kampung. Not that balik kampung tak best, they enjoyed it so much. Tapi, depa pun teringin nak jalan-jalan tempat lain.

The ninjas, the have a lot of suggestions bila ditanya kemana nak jalan-jalan :
  • Melaka - suggested by Ilhan. And I'm not sure why. Maybe she read somewhere about Melaka
  • KLCC - kangah, she loved it last time we went to KL and want to repeat.
  • KL - Ilhan, for she thinks KL is very far. Katanya, boleh naik kereta lama-lama.
  • Zoo Negara - Kakngah, she's very specific kan?
  • Sabah & Sarawak - Ilhan, she said so she could board the flight.
  • Taman Belia - This my friend, is just in Georgetown. But Kakngah, she enjoyed the public swimming pool there.
  • Anywhere, tapi ada sungai - ilhan, kangah & ammar enjoyed sungai so much.
Huh, suggestion depa ni is more a less places they have been. While both of us nak bawak ke somewhere they've never been.

Tapi, Ilhan's suggestion to Sabah & Sarawak, so she could board a flight agak convincing. Idea bernas, sebab all of them, while picking me up at the airport most of the time will grumble, "Asyik-asyik ambil Ibu je, kita tak naik kapalterbang ponnn..".

So, travel anywhere, but by flight it is. We were looking at cheap tix by Air Asia & Firefly, but to travel 5 orang, adalah a bit mahal. Even to Sabah.

Or maybe, I'm just cheap,  heheh.

He on the other hand, tak de suggestion. Asalkan ikut ibu, alahaiiiiii

or, anyone has a better suggestion?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here comes the princess

From Google

My kids forced me to watch the royal wedding live on Astro, mula-mula agak reluctant tapi after a while, best jugak.

I think :

1. The princess is so pretty.
2. Her dress, is gorgeous
3. Ada rupanya kumpulan manusia yg pakai hat pelik-pelik. Those which I only see in the runway.
4. Victoria Bekham is hot, even with the tummy, ;)
5. I like Giulianna's voice so much, sedap & menarik untuk dengaq lama-lama.

Oh, good luck to someone someone, bukan Charles je dpt menantu,  Cikgu Umar pun nanti. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Inventor ?

Haha, let's ramai-ramai take this test, I personally did to take a time away from what has happened.

So I'm an Inventor ?

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


risk taker, easy going, outgoing, social, open, rule breaker, thrill seeker, life of the party, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, appreciates strangeness, disorganized, adventurous, talented at presentation, aggressive, attention seeking, experience junky, insensitive, adaptable, not easily offended, messy, carefree, dangerous, fearless, careless, emotionally stable, spontaneous, improviser, always joking, player, wild and crazy, dominant, acts without thinking, not into organized religion, pro-weed legalization

*the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info)

favored careers:
dictator, computer consultant, international spy, tv producer, philosopher, comedian, music performer, it consultant, fighter pilot, politician, diplomat, entertainer, game designer, bar owner, freelance writer, creative director, strategist, news anchor, professional skateboarder, airline pilot, comic book artist, college professor, private detective, mechanical engineer, lecturer, ambassador, astronomer, research scientist, judge, web developer, scholar, fbi agent, cia agent, electrical engineer, assassin

disfavored careers:
personal assistant, wedding planner, travel agent, secretary, interior decorator, clerical employee, government employee, social worker, pre school teacher, copy editor, child care worker, hospitality worker, occupational therapist, home maker

Tak pernah pulak aku invent anything, except for errr maybe a few dishes that taste funny. The enthuasiastic interest in everything itu might be right, to some extend.

And the favored career - none of it has ever been in my list pun except for pilot (who doesn't?). Assasin? hehe, beware lah semua
Owh, and back to reality, after the letter last monday, I've received another one today. While all others enjoy their 2 months, I'll be crashing my head to reply the letters, hopefully and I'm so positive that I'll get my portion, just a bit delayed saja.

Please, smile for me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the big rocks

is on my shoulder, and head too.

blessed with a problem is one thing.
hoping for some specific shoulder to cry on, but left out with just hope,
is another.

and that, just adds some heavy hot rocks on my head.

Monday, April 18, 2011

KL - we came, we conquer, we enjoy! - Part 1

This is my long pending update. Our recent visit to KL.

We were actually thinking of going Malacca or Genting Highlands for the last school break.

Tapi, our leaves has to be cancelled due to en shahrun's meeting schedule, plus the unplanned holiday kat melaka & ghiland will be agak sesak considering we have 3 ninjas to travel with.

We reapplied another leave, decide to go KL, sleep over dirumah adikku sayang ;)

We went on Thursday, singgah di Langkap first, need to collect the 2 girls, they stayed at Atuk's from day 1 of school break.

Friday morning, we went straight to KLCC, Aquaria. The ninjas we having a good time, especially Ammar, dia suka ikan!

Kangah pura-pura tak takut

Aquaria is fun, just I think the entrance tix is a bit expensive. We have aquarium in Penang, smaller than Aquaria, tapi collection dia lebih kurang, minus the shark and ikan pari besaq. Tapi entrance is just RM2.
But again, maybe sebab dia duk kat KLCC.

Dah habis pusing Aquaria, we went out KLCC just to show the kids that they're in the famous Twin Tower KLCC. Oh, sungguh impress ninja2 ku. All the way after that, whenever they saw KLCC (dalam TV, dalam buku, etc), they'll shout out - wahhhhh KLCC, kita dah pi, kita dah pi... huhuh.

Jam belum pukul 5 lagi, so we decide to go to KLCC's partner, KL Tower. We hope to get some luck on the tix price sebab kan its TM's tower. No luck, just a few percent discount.

Since we're there, we took the family package - RM38 per person. We get to see the observation deck, Animal Zone and F1 Simulator.

Ok, nanti sambung ya!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

pursuit of happiness?

Tone di blog ini adalah selalunya tension je, kan? So hari ni I'd like to list out things that have made me happy recently :

1. When I learned a bit about my work, technically. Oh sungguh happy. Ok, aku agak lembab sebab dah setahun baru nak paham, aaaanyway at last paham jugak kan?

2. The recent visit by my parents, happy banget.

3. Kejayaan berlari walaupun hanya 2 km, for 3 days including Saturday. Excited sebab I felt sweaty! Lama wehh tak peluh2 gitu.

4. Ilhan will proceed to Iqra 4 soon, nanti dia naik quran dah. Happy!

5. Berjaya membeli 2 cardigans. I'm not into cardigans sebelum ni, but yg aku beli tu chanteekkk ok. And berjaya menampakkan aku kurus dimata sendiri. Jadilah.

6. Happy that at last, dear Shahrun realizes his potential, in work mostly. ;)

erkk, 6 je? ;) i'm that tense kot. Kena pi berlari2 kat hutan mcm kawan aku tuh, sure ilang tense2.

Cer tengok, cer tengok.. kan hilang tensen tengok Adamm...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh spider!

Spiders dah datang ke sini, - sapu sapu-..

During my absence here, banyak yang telah saya pelajari ;)

  • I learn that God has already choosen the most suitable partner for you. Don't hesitate.
    If the relationship didn't last long, that is always His mysterious method of telling us there are things to improve in us.
  • Anger, can be managed. I should be pun. Aku selalu lah marah-marah budak2 ninja kat rumah ni, but i find that doesn't work. Cubalah other ways. I know there are parents out there yang sama macam aku, and we're scared to admit it.

    Yelah, ko tengok orang lain tak pernah terjerit2, and anak2 semua behaved kan?
    Takpe, kita serupa.

    Senyum pun ada makna nih...
    There are kids yang agak cheeky in this world. Masa dia cheeky tu, just remember, bukan anak ko sorang je yg berguling2 dalam shopping mall, anak aku pun.
  • And forget about those people yg tak suka budak2 yg I would say agak physical (i.e agak buas). Yang meluat tengok budak2 mcm ni, they'll just tense u up. It's good for them, their kids are behaved. And it is also good for us, our kids are outgoing and creative.
  • Maybe it is a bit late for me, but now I understand how life is always about your children once you have them. And, u must look for exclusion time for yourself to maintain your insanity.

  • It is important not to be too comfortable. The first step of going away from your comfort zone is painful, and the following few steps cud be more painful. But try walk further, and you'll see a different view. Analogy aku agak sukar difahami, tapi the point is still jgn selesa sgt, nanti kau gemuk! haha, tu dah melencong lebih tu..

  • Of all things i learn, aku rasa the most important thing is always, janganlah jauh dari Allah. Seriously. No further elaboration, sebab aku rasa it is indeed a simple direction.
Enjoy your weekend peeps!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

on the roller coaster

i saw everything as in fast forward, fenin..

jom rewind dulu, before i get too dizzy. Our last year's trip to Cameron Highlands, with Atok, Opah, Cik Iqa & Family and ayah su.

Monday, February 28, 2011

that season of the month

Oh, how i hate to admit that aku seorang perempuan yg lemah, when that time of the month comes,
like it or not, mestilah perasaan haru biru bercampur.

Haih, which explains the kesedihan-kesedihan dibawah.

The more I deny the effect of my womanhood (echewah) , the more i felt it.

penambah perisa cerita, taken from here

Oh, and thanks for the 2 month announcement! heheh