Friday, January 21, 2011

I want i-phone 4

But this one could be good also.

Met this old friend at my workplace, kena disclose muka sebab glamour encik nih.

It's a phone friends. And you can even take pictures from the phone and conversations will be over the earpiece and mic.

I want this phone, more than i-phone so i could be power rangers in the middle of Georgetown. Cool huh?

I can point and take pictures, without the model realizing it. When there are incoming video calls (yes, fascility available), u can converse sebijik mcm power rangers.

Hebat.. tapi katanya ada kat china je. Ada tak kat Malaysia ni?


ciklongan said...

fuhh..menarik nye along..nak jugak!!!nnt kita leh jadi team pawer ranjes gak...hikhikhik....kat umah ni dah ada geng i-phone....takmo kawan ngan deme :P

sikulat said...

wane pink ada tak ? aku nak jadi power rangers pink..

Arisy said...

cik tim, memang boleh buat geng baru ni, mengalahkan team iphone 4, hehe.
hahaha, aku kalau ada kaler pink, dah lama beli dulu semah. ;)