Thursday, January 20, 2011

Warning - revenge session, unreasonable and irrational

We have always called her tembam, for she memang tembam pun.

Tapi, when one fine morning, she watched me getting dressed and told me straight into my face "gemuk sangatlah, kakngah tak suka.." , that's it. Eventhough, that is nothing but the truth, tapi sila lah ambil hati sikit.

Inilah balasan ibu. ngehehe.

Patutlah kakngah pun tembam.
While the youngest and eldest were busy running, climbing and laughing....

U're sooooo busy eating, with minimal swing. Tu pun paksa orang tolakkan.
Look at her lengan and betis, and compare to Ilhan.

Huhu, sesi membalas dendam selesai.


julie.yaacob said...

hihihi.. aku plak takleh balas dendam, sebab Aisya tersangatlah selim.. jeles boleh?

sikulat said...

gile kejam Ul.. sian die kena attack kat internet.. ((hahahhaa))

ciklongan said...

hahahhahahaha along....lawok sungguh...sian kat kak ngah... :P

Arisy said...

jules - jeles adalah wajib. Aisha is cute, so bolehla nak complaint mama dia.. ;)
semah & ciktim - sangat geram dihati, tak kira, nak jugak heboh online, hahaha