Friday, October 2, 2009

Yasmin's cognitive

Ilhan Yasmin, my eldest daughter shows signs of growing up recently. She'll be 5 y.o this december and it is time for her to show emotions, understand gestures, understand simple ada-udang-disebalik-mee type of talks, ability to rationalize simple acts and ability to detect pembohongan sunat.

It's fun to take one step together up in her ladder of life development. Though shamely I must admit that I'm not a good mother. I spank, yell and if i list it here, you people might equalize me with my depressed neighbor.

For me, she did quite good. Although she has a lot of touch-up to do to groom herself but she has lots of time for that. I'm easy to be pleased, kan?

When she's 1 y.o

How do I know she has move one step up? Well she did these :

1. It's 7:30 am, school day, and she supposed to take her bath, instead she's still laying on the sofa. After a few times of soft spoken pujukan, I raise my voice (I was in the other room, ironing). Still not moving, she answered -

"Kakak robot, bukan orang. Robot tak payah mandi" immitating robotic voice.

When normally, she'll just cry and let me drag her to the bathroom, this time she shows that she knows some reasoning, walaupun a bad idea. At least I'm not changing my mood to marah sangat.

2. After watching the no smoking campaign advert (alah, yg ada org kena amputate kakilah, cancer mulutlah, sakit paru-paru tu..), she looked at Shahrun in the eyes and said :

" Ayah janganlah hisap rokok, kakak taknak ayah mati.."

See? Tak ke rasa nak tersentap disitu? She shows her good effort of composing the right phrase untuk menyentap hati orang.

The ayah does tersentap beberapa saat, and we looked at each others for at least 30 sec. Sebab rasa pilu.

But after that night, best je ayah hisap rokok balik. Tak insaf langsung.

It feels like baru last year Ilhan was born, tetiba tahun ni pandai buat ayat sentap.

This year's smile.
And I just hope she'll grow up to be a good human, obedient muslim and all good things. Despite having such a yelling mother.


Herakoz said...

Comelnya...kejap je rasa dah besar

Arisy said...

tu la.. makin besar, makin sedih pulak rasa.

Anonymous said...

ala anak buah sper............

tngok le pakcik nyer.........


Anonymous said...

ala anak buah sper............

tngok le pakcik nyer.........
