Friday, October 23, 2009

Jamie's Broccoli Salad

In my attempts to eat more green and at the same time shedding away those tummy extra bulge, I tried this recipe last night, courtesy of Jamie Oliver.

Pic also courtesy of Jamie Oliver, remember my HTC rosak kan..

You can find the original recipe here. But I do it differently, putting whatever I have in my kitchen (plus aku pemalas nak beli bagai2 benda), and of course substituting bacon with tempeh. Remember this ?

So, here goes my altered recipe of Broccoli Salad :

Ingredients :

Broccoli, chopped according to Jamie's tips.
Red Chillies, seeded and finely chooped (i guess lagi sedap kalau bubuh capsicum)
Tempeh - marinated with turmeric powder and salt and fried with oil until a bit crisp.

How to :

  1. Easy peasy, blanch the broccoli in boiled water and as advised by Jamie, really quick; to ensure the broccoli is still crunchy.

  2. For the dressing, mix honey with lemon juice, and of course salt to taste.

  3. Lastly, put everything together and dress it all well in your salad bowl.
Sedap.. tak caya trylah!

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