Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy birthday !

Yesterday, is Ilhan's birthday. She's officially 5.

I planned to write a lenghty story about her; my style. But I'm drained out of ideas. She's my eldest, and currently away from me, even talking to her last night shed my tears.

Tanaklah tears tears dihari jadi kan?

Ilhan Yasmin, recently.

Ok, Kakak, here goes :

Happy 5th Birthday.
Jangan nakal-nakal kat rumah Tokma, tau.

Ilhan selalu mention that she looked like me, ye ke?


ninaC said...

ye jugak lah.
kan ada satu gambaq hang kecik2 aku tgk dulu, muka mmg mcm hang.

happy birthday ilhan.

yeah, ilhan dah besaq, aku dah tua. lama dah aku tinggai penang kan.

asreen a.k.a apek said...

07 Disember ke k.long? birthday ilhan...wa itu macam sama dgn edah lah erk

Arisy said...

nina - aku pun dah tua... waaa..

adik - 6 december..