Tuesday, August 25, 2009


That is supposed to be our theme color for Hari Raya this year. Until,
Ilhan insist on white baju kurung cotton with tiny black flowers. That baju is so nice, I can't say no, the price = RM49.90, after less, I get RM45. I said ok, considering the design and the material (english cotton).

I've always go for price first in choosing the kids apparel. But when Ilhan put on this baju, she look so much like Orked from Sepet, except for ther short hair. So there goes RM40.
Since Kakngah is not around we pick the same brand for her. Hers is beige with red and purple small roses. Cute, plus hers is smaller size, so RM40.

So, anyone who are still searching for the kids baju raya, try search Sara Kids.

If Ilhan insisted on sequin-netted kebaya with bright colors, I don't care if she rolled herself on the floor, I won't buy that for her.

Only baju melayu for Ammar, and we're good. For the kids.

For us,

Shahrun said he won't get a new baju melayu, he'll just wanted a shirt with nasyid team's colar.
And I haven't decide mine. I've been eyeing a white chiffon with red+green abstract pattern, tapi mak aih harga.. RM200++.

Patutkah? I'd say tak patut. This week, we'll hunt for baju raya lagi.

But mine will definitely be purple, I think I look good in purple.
So this year, mcm Farra, we'll be colorful!


ninaC said...

ermm.. untuk aku, 200 agak mahal untuk baju yang jarang dipakai.tapii.. zaman la, nak carik baju siap dah, dalam seratus lebih agak payah.

aku ada gak niat tanak beli baju kurung tahun nih, pakai ja baju thn lepas, yang baru dipakai 3 kali sahaja.

aku lagi excited nak beli kasut baru. hahaha.

ninaC said...

eh lupa, i think u look nice in red.

Arisy said...

tulah, mcm mahal kan? aku beli baju kot, aku tak beli baju lama dah.

Aku rasa hang boleh bukak shoe blog dah ni..

And oh, maybe i look nice in red, but i look nice and slimmer in purple. nyeh!

laydida said...

to bad lambat tau about sarakids. kalau tak mesti aku pun rembat satu!


azataq said...

sokong nina...km pong teringin kasut baru jer..ada hati tu...high heel plak tu yg teringin...isk isk iskk

Arisy said...

dali!! heheh.. takpe tahun depan ada lagi..

azataq : mak aih, jgn high heels, saba sat lepas deliver.. heheh

Anonymous said...

pkai warne pape pun along tetap cantik.........

bak kate kak ngah "cantik cam itik"